Example sentences of "he [verb] [verb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 If your father 'e 'ad listened to the nurse and called for the doctor and not for the priest — puh ! ’
2 But she did not wake and for a moment Henry was flooded by helpless rage , a feeling that made him want to run to the bedside table , snatch up Elinor 's nail scissors and twist them into her neck , this way and that , gouging out blood and veins .
3 You could see him wanting to talk about the controversy over the redevelopment of Wimbledon town centre ( Greycoat versus Speyhawk , or Caring Architects versus Greedy planners ) .
4 They pictured him lying abandoned to the grip of despair .
5 Before the American could go any farther , the bouncer had grabbed his wrist and forced him to let go of the girl .
6 We pay him to put icing on the cake , and tie him to us .
7 It was altogether typical of him that his unshakeable beliefs should prevent him continuing to serve in the Government once the Anglo-Irish agreement was signed .
8 But if it helps him to start leading from the front again , a trip back in time will be well worthwhile .
9 Those who heard him lecture remarked on the way he seized on and illustrated the most interesting parts of his subject , so that he was intelligible to the novice and listened to with pleasure by even the best informed , generally leading his class unresistingly to the desired conclusion .
10 This is what Gustave told me : that it was no sadness for him to get rid of the paperweight , because he had another which did the work just as efficiently .
11 I remember him finding going to the school .
12 Feeling shaken rigid , she watched him move to sit on the side of the bed when , to her further distress , even while his breathing was ragged , she saw him grab up his shirt and trousers .
13 ( 4 ) It is hereby declared that a person shall not be entitled to rely on the defence provided by subsection ( 1 ) above by reason of his reliance on information supplied by another , unless he shows that it was reasonable in all the circumstances for him to have relied on the information , having regard in particular ( a ) to the steps which he took , and those which might reasonably have been taken , for the purpose of verifying the information ; and ( b ) to whether he had any reason to disbelieve the information .
14 My father related that , when he was in the panel advising the consul Ducenius Varus , his own view prevailed , when Otacilius Catulus had instituted his daughter sole heir , left a legacy of two hundred to a freedman , and requested that he should make that over to his concubine ; and then the freedman had predeceased the testator , and the legacy to him had remained with the daughter ; that the daughter should be compelled to make over the trust to the concubine .
15 For on that Saturday Mr Pozsgay organised a radio interview to tell the world that a party committee working under him had come to the conclusion that 1956 had been a popular uprising , thus ensuring that the terms of reference in Hungarian politics would never be the same again .
16 ‘ Imagine him volunteering to look at the chicken pie .
17 She tickled him briefly , making him fold sitting into the cot .
18 And er this was him trying to get off the subject when he was getting a bit nervous I think .
19 The sounds he made fell into the embrace of a dead echo , and he felt that he might be the last man on earth .
20 As he made to sneak up the corridor to the stairs , the sounds of heated debate reached his ears , issuing from the front parlour .
21 He hates sitting on the beach ; does nothing but moan . ’
22 Does he want to move from the city to a farm in Scotland ?
23 Mr Goldberg said they could bring a libel action , but he planned to wait until the appeal verdict .
24 Henry was going to add a chapter towards the end of The Complete History of Wimbledon in which he planned to deal with the failure of nerve he sensed in the place .
25 Kyffin Williams never intended to be a painter , he planned to go into the army but was rejected on medical grounds .
26 With this in mind , he planned to return to the project and , in 1978 , funded by the National Endowment for Humanities , the documentation entered its final phase .
27 ‘ You 've got to be kidding ! ’ yelped Margaret Lenham , as much astonished as afraid at the sight of what he planned to use for the operation : a knitting needle .
28 Next month he planned to retire from the army , but says he could n't resist this call to duty .
29 The committee decided not to summon him , according to Chaplin , when they heard he planned to appear in the costume , boots and battered bowler of the Chaplin tramp .
30 Although he insisted that he had done nothing remiss — he admitted receiving a 5,000,000 yen loan from an associate of the firm in 1989 but claimed to have repaid the money — he agreed to resign from the party ( but not from the Upper House ) for having caused embarrassment to the SDPJ .
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