Example sentences of "for [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The missed cues , the botching of business , the somewhat lumpy prancings of the Tiger Lily troupe counted for nothing beside the chilling authority of Hook and the strutting Peter , unearthly yet real of Mary Deare .
2 The Communist Party could apparently hope for little from the Socialist League and for nothing from the Labour Party .
3 As socialists we would demand decent and secure housing for everyone at a reasonable cost , but the difficulty arises when we consider what we can demand specifically as women without simply constructing an alternative women 's culture or further reinforcing women 's place in the home .
4 These would provide accident and emergency service for everyone at a given sum per year and meet certain quality criteria .
5 It finds a place for everyone within the divine purpose , regardless of their background , status or gender .
6 He may do it by actually ‘ clobbering ’ somebody , but this would imply a rather drastic escalation of the conflict situation and happens too rarely for everyone in the aggro-leader role to prove themselves .
7 He then became the resident guitarist at ECM and therefore has played guitar for everyone in the modern movement : for example , Paul Bley , Mike Gibbs , Eberhard Weber , Paul Motian and Jan Gabarek .
8 Ankhu and Nebamun would have it easier , but for the majority of privileged men work was a nominal activity as they laboured more or less intelligently in the upper ranks of the army , the civil service and the priesthood ; most of the graft was done for them at a humbler level .
9 It was the Guga Hunters who had chartered Viking to land the men and supplies ' on Sula Sgeir and return for them at a specified date .
10 The take or place booking means that the client will be offered a room if there has been a ‘ no show ’ or cancellation , and failing that accommodation will be found for them at a comparable hotel , usually within the same chain of hotels .
11 The gardener was waiting for them at the front door .
12 There would be no tall good-looking man waiting for them at the Secret Cove and , once there , she found the Place was , indeed , deserted .
13 Brussels sprouts , baked potatoes , grated cheese , the variation of vegetables in the summer , a tin of vegetarian steak pudding on Sundays and a piece of fruit afterwards is a monotonous but healthy diet , and I ca n't think of many cheaper ways to feed two children and feel you 're doing your best for them at the same time .
14 A number of organisations to which we spoke provided ( paid ) training for people filling such positions , despite the fact that they would only be working for them on a casual basis and might even use the skills they acquired working for other organisations .
15 It seems that they can be market counterparties even if the firm acts only as their agent and , indeed , even if the firm is acting for them on a discretionary basis .
16 A bond began to be formed when they asked Martin to place protection for them on an icy pitch just below the summit .
17 Actual guides were waiting for them on the Scots side , from the Graham tower , producing a grim smile from Douglas , for one of his principal headaches as Keeper of Liddesdale was apt to be the inroads and cross-border raiding of these same Grahams , Kirkandrews prominent .
18 It was close in the end but it might have been even tighter if Colbert had n't made way for them on the last stage .
19 ‘ Well , what if I purchased two lots which added up to less than fifty pounds , could I pay for them with a personal cheque , assuming , of course , that I had a valid cheque card ? ’
20 Duncan trotted back with him and , sure enough , Mother dinosaur was waiting for them with a big smile on her face .
21 In 1790 a great meeting of tanners held in London elected him to speak for them to the prime minister , William Pitt , concerning the distressed state of the tanning trade ; and in 1793 he wrote to parliament on behalf of Bristol tanners to suggest remedies for the scarcity of the oak bark used in tanning .
22 At the same time as I was writing some correspondence ( including the note to you ) , I was attempting to organise the hand-over of certain severely disturbed patients to various colleagues who were to assume responsibility for them during the long vacation .
23 Do you take responsibility for them as an active dad ?
24 It would mean a longer walk for them round the northward coil of the river , but that was a small matter once they were out of the town .
25 They were given tea and biscuits , invited to watch a favourite soap opera on the television , then made to listen to current hits from the charts played for them by a young man called Danny on his ghetto-blaster .
26 The common law provides quite an armoury of such principles , and new applications can be found for them by a bold judge .
27 Along with many a public body that felt pushed around by the Tories , the BBC must have gone to bed on April 8 with dreams of a quieter life on the night ; already swinging , as it were , in the hammock slung for them by a hung parliament .
28 No um Michael Fraser Associates have now started a lobbying operation which is run for them by the former Chief Executive of the Tory Party in Scotland whose name I 've forgotten but he lives down at Tiningham in East Lothian ah , now if I could get him in if Fred does n't object and again if Fred did n't object and the other guy did n't object it might be worth getting a member of Parliament in
29 If those who work in the media wish to enjoy the freedom desired for them by the Royal Commission — the freedom to publish facts and opinions which are in the public interest — they may have to forgo some of the comparative freedom they enjoy to publish facts and opinions which are not .
30 The sellers owned 200,000 gallons of white spirit stored for them by an independent person , X , in his tanks .
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