Example sentences of "for [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [art] year " in BNC.

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1 However , 100% supervision , even of early solo flying , is impractical for 365 days in the year as there are bound to be moments when the instructor 's attention is diverted .
2 The proposed courses for the next term confirm that the college will be only using fifty percent of the available time and space for eight months of the year .
3 Have you noticed the particular pattern , for example , for different months of the year ?
4 The Borrowdale mines in the lane District , discovered in 1564 , yielded such fine graphite that it was jealously guarded , extractions only being sold for six weeks of the year .
5 The season lasted for six months of the year and entailed about 14 hours per week .
6 Much of the country was covered by snow for six months of the year .
7 Chezery and Brenod were high in the mountains , at 5,000 and 4,000 feet respectively , and had to contend like Norway with snow cover for six months of the year .
8 He was reluctant to take the post for two reasons : he felt that the salary was not high enough , and he did not like the idea of being confined to one place even for six months of the year .
9 Thus it is explained why the sun reigns supreme for six months of the year , followed by deadly winter until such time as the god of Spring blinds him again .
10 It sounds a trivial thing — this common pasture right for six months of the year — but it had the most devastating effect on town development , in the Midlands above all .
11 Er it 's a fifty percent uptake but it co and he says , Do n't you can ch you can just do it for six months of the Year .
12 flooded for six months of the year was n't it ?
13 For six months of the year it was under water !
14 That explains why for six months in a year we watch cricket and for the next six talk about it .
15 She is milked for 10 months of the year and pregnant for nine months .
16 Metering has been on trial in England and Wales for the past two years , to assess whether it is a serious option as a basis for domestic charges from the year 2000 — when the present charging system based on the rateable value of your house is due to be scrapped .
17 On average a school pupil enrols for 2.2 modules in a year compared to 5.6 modules for an FE student .
18 Why not introduce retainers of say , £8,000 for three months of the year , asks Farr-Jones .
19 He grew up rich in beauty ; I grew up under a miserly , penny-pinching sky , in the niggardly light of England where , for three months of the year , it gets dark soon after lunch and for three more it does n't bother getting light at all .
20 The secretary of state for foreign affairs still retained , as did his fellow secretaries for war , the navy and the maison du roi , ultimate responsibility for the administration of a group of French provinces ; and each of the four still acted as general secretary to the king , in the drawing up and despatching of official documents of all kinds , for three months in the year .
21 He recognised his ex-pupil 's handwriting on a letter and thereby identified the highwayman — even though Turpin had only been his pupil for three quarters of a year .
22 shall we just look at er item four on one , five , three , because this is er sent out on the seventeenth of June eighty five , right , see that at page one , five , two , and it says at four the service charge , the estimated service charge for these flats for the year ending thirty one August eighty five is and then the flats are set out there , three hundred and eighty two , five , seven , five and seven , six , four , that 's all in respect of because we know this was an flat , we can see that from page one , five , two , but when , whether or not the brochure is updated when that letter goes out to their solicitors , have you seen other similar letters of this sort going out ?
23 The decentralized Evans model underestimates the amount of material which lies unused in departments for long periods of the year and which might be of value to another discipline , or to a pupil in the enquiry mode ; it certainly contains no element which would stress interdisciplinary thinking , inter.departmental cooperation or the sharing of acquisitions and experience .
24 Despite this , on the marshy peat fens , even limited traffic reduced them to an impassable morass for long periods of the year .
25 Costs increased for all clients in the year following their referral to the psychogeriatric service but they increased more steeply in the action than control samples .
26 The pilot scheme proved to be a great success and has now been developed into a continuing professional development programme for all pupils in the year 1992/93. is now wholly involved in coordinating this scheme for the Bar .
27 Of the half million tests carried out for regulatory purposes in the year up to June 30 , 1989 , we are pleased to report that 998 out of 1,000 met the strict specifications of the European Community Directive .
28 Bicheiros might be wanted criminals for 362 days of the year , only to turn monarchs during the pre-Lenten pageant , samba-dancing arm in arm with governors , mayors and other overworld glitterati .
29 Parsnips , leeks , broccoli and Brussels sprouts are all slow growers , and may be in the ground for ten months to a year .
30 For ten months of the year we hear nothing of him , then he releases some nauseating , sentimental ditty aimed at grabbing the Christmas Number One spot .
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