Example sentences of "i should have [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I should have said at the beginning , although I hope it 's obvious , that the speaker of this poem is , of course , coming back to the town where he was born .
2 I should have referred to the hon. Member for Dunfermline , West ( Mr. Douglas ) , who comes from Govan .
3 I 'd hate you to think it was all a ‘ donation' from me , and so I enclose my sponsorship form ( which I did n't realise I should have posted with the cheque ) to show that I had a lot of generous sponsors .
4 I 'm quite an artistic person ; in retrospect , I think perhaps I should have risen to the challenge and maybe applied to do a language , because I really enjoy literature and languages in my spare time .
5 I 'm doing what I should have done from the start . ’
6 Since then I have done something I should have done in the first place : found a gap in the rushes only ten yards downstream where I can heave into the fish without pulling them into more weed .
7 So I did what I should have done in the first place , I put the wire hangers and small weights on the edges .
8 ‘ Probably what I should have done in the first place .
9 I think I should have stayed at the old school where they had confidence in me .
11 I should have gone to the children 's matinée but the serial , Spider Man , was too frightening .
12 He was in any case visibly touched that I should have gone to the lengths of copying the essay ; but in those days no other method of putting him in possession of it was available .
13 I should have gone to the French police at the time , but I did n't , and now the evidence has gone .
14 I should have complained about the first case , but I was inexperienced then .
15 I should have started with the rag most loaded with ink .
16 I should have screamed at the start — whenever the start could now be said to be .
17 I should have left with the kings and forgotten my home .
18 Then , alone there in his room , I began to laugh , as I should have laughed at the time .
19 That is what I should have chosen from the start ‘ Virtue Mine Honour ’ .
20 I should have known from the way he could n't finish off this simple word that , a few days later , they would part .
21 When we were on Skye I thought I should have died of the irritation of them . ’
22 I should have stuck with the sense of my own convictions … first Tara , then Nicola , then Farthingdales …
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