Example sentences of "i say [Wh adv] do [not/n't] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 and I says why do n't you , no , but like
2 Well I says to him , I says if you were that interested I says while I 'm watching I says why do n't you come and see , I says , give us a shake
3 so she said I , I went in and I said to Geraldine I 'm going I owe you any bloody money take the bugger out me wages , she says I ai n't having people that I like being stabbed like that by people like that , she said she ai n't worth the salt of the earth , she 's the salt of the earth she said with people like that pointing to Jenny and Jane , no way , she said and I 'm going with my mates , I turned round and the next thing Janet and Janet and Barbara in there , when we got up the pub at twelve o'clock , course we were all having sandwiches me and Pam got the , me and er Barb got there , then Pam come in then a few more come and erm then the plumber and all that come in with them and I said oh girls we never clocked out , so I said oh well I 'm gon na have to take my key back to Steve , burst out laughing , so I said oh no I said why do n't we have a key cracking competition so of course that 's what we did we all took our keys out of our bag and we went ready for she 's a jolly good ready , steady , fellow , for she 's go and we cracked these ruddy keys and shoved them up in the air
4 " I said why do n't you leave him alone . "
5 So erm and here 's another thing as well , she says erm I said why do n't you pack this job in like ?
6 I said why do n't you go and sit down there .
7 He told me that he 'd got a good home , or he 'd had a good home , and he just I said why do n't you live there ?
8 Well that 's what I said why did n't they surround it a mile away .
9 I said why did n't we have one big camp , for Christ 's sake .
10 When I said why did n't 'e go an' get it back 'isself , 'e said do n't ask questions .
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