Example sentences of "i do [not/n't] [verb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 May I I do not need an adjournment but may I back away from the microphone to take instruction ?
2 But you 've got such an old fashioned approach Charlotte , erm because your approach is ban everything , stop , lay the rules down , I du n no a Hitler kind of approach er does n't get anyone anywhere .
3 I do not regard a judge who makes what an appellate court later regards as a mistake of law as abusing his powers .
4 ‘ Lady , I do not want a wife — any wife . ’
5 I do not want a president elected or otherwise .
6 I do not want a health service of spot markets and predatory hospitals and product lines .
7 He assured congress , ‘ I do not want a honeymoon with you .
8 I do not make a fuss , I do not rant and splutter .
9 I do not think a museum should continue to grow ad infinitum ; on the other hand , I believe we should put on periodic exhibitions as a way of gradually familiarising the public with the full range of our artistic riches .
10 My hon. Friend has made the point clearly and I am grateful to him for doing so , in view of which I do not think a debate is necessary .
11 It would be tedious to quote more than a few examples of the evidence from parliamentary commissions , the STC , union reports and surveys etc. , but the following quotations are typical : " About the only work which the women can do is to stand or sit at their formes and set up type ; and to distribute the types back again into the cases , but of course this is only a portion of a compositor 's work " ( an employer ) ; " " As far as mere type-lifting is concerned , she may do , but there is other rough work in connection with compositors " work which I do not think a woman is qualified for " ( a union leader ) ; " Women … get the best , i. e. the simplest jobs … they are kept always at pretty much the same kind of work " ( an employer ) .
12 I do not care a toss if blokes must look
13 I have to admit I had never heard of Hannah Hauxwell well , you see , I do not possess a television set .
14 My solution , as I do not use a machine for tying my hooks , is to tie reverse knots which do not put undue pressure on the section of line which ends up immediately above the hook .
15 I do not use a sewing machine ; I am a finisher .
16 Then , carefully , with nice pointed scissors , cut through both thicknesses ( I do not use a ribber ) , the required size of buttonhole .
17 ‘ If I do not utter a word , I am its master ; once I utter it , I am its slave . ’
18 we did translation , Xenophon , I do not know a word of it I do not think Greek alone makes me miserable , I am always miserable .
19 Upon being asked why he shed tears , he replied , ‘ It is indeed true that I do not know a word of the Gita .
20 Although the trees are still leafless , I do not get a glimpse of the hall until it is within a stone 's throw , so hidden is it by a dense screen of boughs and underwood ; but I know it is near at hand , for an ancient archway spans the path leading to the farmyard , and just beyond the Tudor gateway bearing several clear-cut coats of arms .
21 I do not own a farthing
22 I do not own a horse , but do have riding lessons at a local riding school and occasionally ride my friends ' horses .
23 However , I confess that I do not believe a party , any more than the society which it serves , can fail to suffer if it knowingly allows institutions to fall more and more out of correspondence with contemporary needs .
24 I do not allow a woman to make a fool of me ! ’
25 In all my days as a Whaddon resident I do not recall a Descartes family in the neighbourhood and surely ( please God ) there can not be two Keith Chegwins in the world ?
26 ‘ But if my name has been so discredited , I do not see a remedy . ’
27 It was impossible to imagine a people — ; I do not say a government — with less relish for war , if my contacts with the Italian colonists and equally with the Italian army were any guide .
28 But I do not like a company of bare-footed soldiers .
29 Expo apart — and I do not recommend a visit unless you are in the vicinity — Seville is a wonderful city and the Sevillanos admire Britain .
30 I do not have a handicap because I am not a member of a club , will never be able to afford to join one and ca n't afford the high green fees around London to play regularly enough to improve my game .
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