Example sentences of "i have [vb pp] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once I 'd broken into this solicitor 's and all there was there was this big safe , y'know the type I mean , a big square box that was on this big slab of polished wood .
2 I 'd hoped for personal service , ’ said Giles .
3 She looked me up and down and adjusted my tie an inch or so ( I 'd gone for green silk and I now had two ties ) , then said :
4 as a pension , so if I 'd retired at that point , and then worked part time
5 I 'd retired by this time .
6 Maybe I was just a provincial or something , but I began to see that I was among the strangest audience I 'd seen in that place .
7 ‘ About some stolen property , ’ said the other , who , I 'd decided by this time , had shifty eyes .
8 I might have felt a little downcast at that point , only the evening had made me feel more encouraged about my prospects with her than I 'd felt for some time .
9 On a taxi ride across the Clyde Valley — Hamilton , Motherwell , Wishaw going with my father to the psychiatric hospital where my mother had just been admitted , I was overwhelmed by the past , not just the place names that had filled my childhood when I 'd lived in this part of Scotland over twenty years before , but another past to which I had even less access : a prelude to my own .
10 If I 'd paused for more thought I perhaps would n't have had the nerve , but I simply opened his door , checked up and down the corridor for observers ( none ) and went inside , shutting myself in .
11 When I came back to England I was very humbled really to erm because I arrived in Nepal three hours before that crash and erm a lot of people had thought I 'd died in that crash and erm the patients had thought I 'd died as well and they had to put a big notice outside to say that I 'd been alright , they had lots of people ringing up .
12 ‘ It put me right up in the mood again , I 'd forgotten about that sort of intensity .
13 I wear them most of the time , otherwise I 'd arrested for indecent exposure
14 I was glad to do this , for I had kept in close touch with his work and took a deep interest in it .
15 This was the first time in my life that I had lived in deep country , without easy access to shops , transport and people I knew .
16 It was a syndrome I had observed in other service marriages , not least in that of my own parents , and I have sometimes thought what a good subject it might make for a novel or play .
17 When some years ago I decided to pay the Life Governor 's subscription the expense was for me a serious cost but was willing to pay it to ensure that I should continue to enjoy the privileges without having to worry about future subscriptions when I had retired from salaried work .
18 Two fingers I had waved at that driver as he thundered past me , cursing me through the open cab window and fighting the wheel , and those two fingers I now regretted having on my hand .
19 I closed my mouth and felt as though I had gargled with barbed wire .
20 Although she had never shown even the remotest sign of lameness I was looking at the worst case of hip dysplasia I had seen for some time .
21 In order to test my reaction , and before I had received my copy , Michael had typed it out and sent it to me , almost as if it might be one of his own efforts , and I had reacted with some reserve .
22 Dear friends , I had hoped in due course
23 It was two years since I had stood on this spot on the way from Tan Hill to Hawes ; then the force had been a sluggish trickle after a dry spring , now , two years later almost to the day , it was a respectable torrent .
24 All through tea I had waited for some indication on his part that he knew I had seen the girl — as he must have known , for it was obvious that the nocturnal concert had been given to announce her presence .
25 It was her first visit to a city and she was taken aback by the volume of traffic — ‘ I had heard about this kind of thing , but it 's quite frightening close to like this , ’ she said , as she stood on the pavement in City Square and watched four lanes of vehicles jousting strenuously for position .
26 I had heard of this spirit creature .
27 I said that this was the first I had heard of this claim . "
28 For more than a year Lorne and I had struggled towards this moment and , contrary to all the laws of psychology , we were finding that the realization of our dreams surpassed our wildest expectations .
29 According to the records I had collected on other fishkeeper 's spawnings their water chemistry was 5.5 to 6.2 pH and 3 to 5.8 DH .
30 I went reinforced too by all I had been doing for myself and with the knowledge that I felt better than I had felt for some time and that that growth towards well being appeared to be increasing with each day .
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