Example sentences of "i have [verb] [pron] [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 I 'd done my crying for him the day they told me he was dead .
2 He was more modest than I 'd given him credit for .
3 I 'd forgotten your talent for sociability . ’
4 I 'd forgotten his passion for manipulation . ’
5 By the time I was out of the schoolroom , I had lost my need for a parent .
6 One Sunday morning , about a week after I had seen my dad for the second time , I was lying in bed when I heard voices in the street below .
7 I had heard her cry for them in the night .
8 And I had to lift your hand for you
9 I never realised Chris owed me a fiver for me wage and I says to him I had to pay me bill for me food for week and it was like six quid .
10 I had taken your affection for granted . ’
11 I 've pressed your dress for you .
12 And here at home I mean to stay , for I 've lost my taste for travelling , after that mêlée , I can tell you . ’
13 I 've done my bit for the day . ’
14 I 've done my diary for the
15 I 've done my time for that job , and the other jobs you laid on me .
16 After I 've heard their conversation for God 's sake you know , have a bit of heart !
17 ‘ After I 've examined your ankle for damage , put a crêpe bandage round it if necessary , and discussed my proposed project a little further , you may certainly phone for a cab if you wish , although I shall be happy to drive you back myself at that stage . ’
18 ‘ No , I have n't actually , but I 've admired your work for a long time . ’
19 ‘ Do n't start that again , Ruth , or I 'll manually wrench your other ankle after I 've spanked your backside for suggesting that I am keeping you from your work .
20 I 've remembered my excuse for ringing you .
21 I 've sacrificed my life for this .
22 And I 've got my reason for that .
23 I have to do his back for him . ’
24 Like A. Aldyss I have had my tank for only five months , containing Mollies , Guppies and Swordtails .
25 I am a hobbyist of some years standing and I have had my Hatchetfish for over two years since they were no bigger than ½ pieces .
26 An elderly constituent of mine came to me and said , ’ I have had my car for 12 years ; it is my life .
27 I have taken my colouring for Sample 3 from a photograph of a stormy sky over a small lake at dusk .
28 I was told by new-found friends , ‘ I have known your work for years and the typographic version of Duchamp 's Green Box book you made in 1960 was my first route into an understanding of modern art ’ .
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