Example sentences of "for me [to-vb] [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 " When you did me the honour of appointing me to the Mastership of Stockport School I was led to suppose that the Income , inclusive of Ten Pounds paid by your Worshipful Company , amounted to nearly Three Hundred Pounds per annum , and from an Enquiry , however , during my Residence here , I have had the Mortification to find that the whole Salary was not more than £25 10 10½d , so that it was impossible for me to remain in the Situation without a Prospect of Church Preferment in the Neighbourhood , which I have no reason to hope for .
2 It is normal for me to report to the Council 's Planning Committee the end of year disease statistics and any recommendations which might be necessary in line with the management strategy .
3 It is strictly unnecessary for me to deal with the issue of discretion which only arises if the court has power to rectify .
4 With reference to your telephone conversation with my secretary on the 15th instant when you confirmed that you had completed your mortgage arrangements with Barclays Bank PLC , Bishops ' Stortford and that it was in order for me to deal with the draft Contract when it was received .
5 I do not think that that is a question for me to answer from the Dispatch Box .
6 ‘ But both Graham and I knew it was impractical for me to continue in the job and remain as manager of Exeter . ’
7 I think it might be wise for me to talk to the accountant before I , you know , put these plans into effect .
8 Leave the washing up for me to do in the morning . ’
9 So of course the bike , the car 's for me to use in the evening , but last
10 The idea was for me to go on the high-wire sixty feet above ground — on the shoulders of a Czechoslovakian circus performer .
11 I dare not spend another farthing , and it would be suicide for me to go to the bank , even if Richard agreed , which he wo n't . ’
12 Mrs Aggie ’ — she turned and glanced at Aggie — ‘ paid for me to go to the penny school . ’
13 The boss had a letter for me to take to the pillar box just about five yards from the front door .
14 ‘ It was basically the novel that made it necessary for me to look into the Bible .
15 I knew that if I was with prostitutes it would be very difficult for me to get into the drug community and be accepted . ’
16 I won the U-Bix Copiers massive ten-man race at Birmingham , so I asked Frank Dick if there was a chance for me to get in the relay team , which had n't been announced with the main selections .
17 It has been so rewarding for me to read about the happiness and freedom from the prison of obesity that is now enjoyed by so many .
18 Leslie had left no letter for me to read in the event of his death .
19 It is commonplace for me to step outside the door in the morning intending to do one particular task , and then to come back in for a lunchtime bowl of soup having done three or four entirely different jobs of maintenance or repair .
20 The health service takes seriously the issues of confidentiality which surround the treatment of its patients , and it would be wrong for me to discuss in the House the details of Mr. Thorpe 's individual treatment .
21 ‘ As I was blind , it was arranged for me to stay at the organiser 's house .
22 Yes there were criticism but it 's not appropriate for me to comment at the moment .
23 The ITC made the determination and it would be inappropriate for me to comment upon the matter , especially as I believe that it is now sub judice , because the company has applied for judicial review .
24 Yeah well it 's rare for me to come to the doctor 's but last three week I 've been here like every week , kind of thing .
25 Sufficiently long gap between contractions for me to smile for the camera .
26 The train stopped there long enough for me to run along the line and climb up into the great diesel engine driven by Bert Coad from Perth and Hilton Hinchcliff from Kalgoorlie .
27 And I have n't come across any notes from me to me , so obviously I 'm not going to go back into the past and leave anything for me to discover in the future , which is the present .
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