Example sentences of "for a [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I had for some reason gone up to M. Dupont 's room and was about to knock , but before doing so , as is my custom , I paused for a second to listen at the door .
2 It must provide for a nominee to act as the IVA 's trustee or supervisor .
3 Children were fascinated by the ducks and it would have been easy for a toddler to slip through the fence , leaving mum stranded on the other side .
4 The range of attitudes is illustrated by strategies that state , at one extreme , that ‘ all people should be provided with access to public transport services for three return trips a day to the nearest market town , providing for a journey to work in the morning , a mid-day shopping journey and a journey home in the evening … ’ , and suggest , at the other extreme , that all ‘ deep ’ rural areas should have a public transport service to a local centre on at least two days a week or that all sizeable villages should be served by public transport on one day a week ( Adams et al .
5 I hope that it will be possible — though I shall understand if it is not — for a Minister to come to the House to say something about that major incident , which involved the jetty at Grangemouth , which is part of the dock and BP complex .
6 Local authorities are expected to take account of the child 's views when offering such provision and , where possible , to arrange for a child to go to the club or scheme of his choice ( Guidance , vol 2 , para 3.11 ) .
7 So , so , I believe it 's alright to say well people will migrate in the presence of , it 's rational for a person to migrate in the presence of , of high unemployment if high unemployment only refers to the formal sector , but it 's not rational if it implies that it refers to informal and formal .
8 We 're walking back from the shops — me and Marie — and we stop for a bit to look at the lights in the electric shop .
9 There 's rows of benches in front of it and I sit down for a bit to look at the tree .
10 In order for a fighter to fight in the state of New Jersey , he has to have a thorough medical examination , so it 's hard for me to say . ’
11 For reasons which are not stated the legislature in 1988 made it essential for a successor to live in the dwelling house during the period of six months but did not amend the Act of 1985 so as to impose either a six months ' period or residence in a particular dwelling house in the case of a council house .
12 It is theoretically possible for a cow to jump over the moon with something like the same improbability .
13 Other locals , not directly involved with the gangs , but basking in the glory and the protection bought rounds of drinks or waited for a chance to join in the conversation .
14 I also suggested that Britons should be urged not to ask for a chance to look at the remains until the situation improves .
15 That 's one of the reasons it 's exciting for a botanist to work in the rainforest .
16 The alarm that such a prospect generated in England was real and intense : in March 1336 Philip VI ordered the French fleet which had been assembling in the Mediterranean for a crusade to transfer to the mouth of the Seine , and Edward felt convinced that Philip was planning a large-scale invasion of England .
17 The time taken for a component to pass through the column is called its elution time .
18 As an example , property insurance is cheaper than liability insurance , so that it makes more sense , for instance , for a site-owner to insure against the fire risk of a fire caused by an installer , under fire insurance , than it does for the installer to insure against liability for causing the same risk , under a public liability or contractor 's all risks policy .
19 When such a plan has been lodged it will only be necessary for a buyer to search against the plot he is buying on the appropriate form for a search of part ( Form 94B ) , indicating thereon the plot or flat number " as shown on the estate development plan lodged in the Registry on the " — no plan being then necessary as would be the case if no estate plan had been lodged .
20 Very roughly , Fodor argued that this kind of blanket objection to representational theories of mind does not work against the mental-sentence kind of theory for the simple reason that we know just what it would be like for a system to work on the mental-sentence principle .
21 Now the major difference between these two categories is that with operational systems it is relatively easy for the user to define his requirements , in detail , in advance , for a specialist to program into the computer , whereas decision support systems , by their very nature , can only be defined in advance in global terms .
22 When James VI came to manhood and attempted to assert himself over both the Borderers and the disruptive Highland clans , he tended for a while to concentrate on the Highlands rather than the Lowlands .
23 After Dan had drunk the hot sweet coffee that kept her awake at nights , they moved off , sitting in the small car for a while to look at the map .
24 The unlimited liability aspect of Lloyd 's is impressed upon every name , so for a name to say after the event that they did n't know about it is a load of cobblers . ’
25 When the background is a single colour , this is a simple matter , as it is for this yellow crab spider crouching in wait for a prey to arrive on the marigold flower .
26 Firstly , enlarging the consultative processes ; it is essential for a government to appeal to the public and to allow citizens to express their opinions and needs .
27 ‘ Come along , Anabelle , we just have time for a bite to eat before the meeting . ’
28 I once made a very pretty montage of framed pictures for a friend to go over the bed which , when assembled , made a rectangle as wide as the bed and about 60cm ( 2ft ) high .
29 They 've launched an appeal for a scanner to help in the treatment of Rhesus babies while they 're still in the womb .
30 It is sometimes said of Parliament that , say , it can make it a crime for a Frenchman to smoke on the streets of Paris , or that it can not turn a man into a woman .
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