Example sentences of "for [pos pn] [noun sg] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There have been several times when I was tempted to try and get in touch and apologise for my attack at the time of Simon 's death . ’
2 I can assure you that did less than nothing for my morale at the time .
3 I 'll pay for my ticket at the box-office . ’
4 Eleanor Darcy told me I was welcome to call her if necessary ; if I needed any further factual details for my Lover at the Gate .
5 err that 's about it for my curiosity at the moment .
6 By the time I 've paid for my room at the YWCA and bought all the make-up and clothes I need there never seems to be anything left over .
7 They ask me how much I paid for everything I was wearing , how much I pay for my room at the pension , how much salary I shall be getting at the university — a salary to me ridiculously small , little more than pocket-money , but for the majority of working-class Spaniards a fortune .
8 Seeing Aunt Sarah so unusually ill and helpless , Ruth was filled with grief for her sake at the news she had brought .
9 For her show at the Jayne M. Baum gallery she has photographed portraits of children at Montifiore Hospital who suffer from cranio-facial deformities .
10 Therefore the prosecution should try to provide corroboration for her allegation at the investigation stage , even regarding the accused 's identity ( R v Midwinter ( 1971 ) 55 Cr App R 523 ) .
11 It is not so much that the stuff itself is pink ( the stuff itself is chartreuse , as a matter of fact ) but that everything connected with it and surrounding it is : its packaging , its bottle-top , the invitations and programmes for its launch at the Opéra-Comique — its vie , if you like , is en rose .
12 As it was imperative that they get to Paris as quickly as possible they embarked on a slow train , hoping to arrive in time for their turn at the theatre .
13 It was a clockwork existence for the children , but the rapturous applause more than compensated for their tiredness at the end of the day .
14 The Day was rounded off with a programme of display items from a variety of teams , including class teams , the National Display Team and our special 55+ team — for them the day was a successful dress rehearsal for their performance at the Age Concern Festival at the Royal Albert Hall the following week .
15 Hall Garth in Acklam triumphed for their project at the Clydesdale Forge Company , Hartlepool .
16 He praised Newcastle United for their initiative at the launch of the tournament between the host club , Middlesbrough , Sporting Lisbon and Real Sociedad .
17 Showing that their displays are appropriate for all types of buildings they picked up the third prize for their display at the Marriott Hotel also in Dyce .
18 For foot traffic , a distance of some 10–12 km ( 6–7 miles ) would probably have been a more-than-adequate day 's journey , especially if burdened with goods and needing to leave enough time for their disposal at the destination .
19 Terminals will cost around £500 ; on top of this , subscribers will have to pay for their information at the rate of about £30 per month .
20 If guests have no credit cards they are usually asked to prepay for their stay at the hotel and all incidentals in bars and restaurants etc. are on a cash basis .
21 He had been tried for his life at the Guildhall and tomorrow would hang .
22 The Prince of Wales will stand in for his grandmother at a church service and reception for the Victoria Cross and George Cross Association in London .
23 He had an outlet for his temper at the beginning of a new day .
24 Professor Geoffrey Rose — now retired — is highly respected for his work at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine .
25 As The Two Pheasants stood next door to his house , he was handy not only for his work at the church on the green , but also for his only pleasure .
26 Even so , an anti-Subirachs cabal has sprung up , calling for his work at the Sagrada Familia to be stopped for artistic and ideological reasons .
27 In the autumn of 1916 Albert had fought for his country at the Somme , sharing trenches with dead companions for days at a time .
28 Bibb atoned for his error at the start of the second half , when after Castleford lost the ball in front of their own posts he pounced quickly and beat three tacklers for the third Rovers ' try , Knapper adding his first goal .
29 Pithy and allusive interjections worked well in a shaikh 's guestroom , but less well when a speaker had to queue for his turn at a microphone to make himself heard .
30 I like the way he does n't reach for his knife at the drop of a hat , and the way he does n't give a damn about his statistics .
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