Example sentences of "for [pers pn] [verb] [pron] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now they may have their own reasons for that and it may be difficult for them to send someone at this precise moment , but I do n't think that they 're necessarily geared up to dealing with the sorts of things that you want them to deal with .
2 Apparently he 'd fixed up with the travel agency which handled Dalgety 's bookings for you to join him at all the Grands Prix . ’
3 But if Alexei said that he was not involved , then probably he was telling the truth , otherwise there would be no reason for him to say anything at all .
4 And it is not possible for us to know anything at all about him unless he is generous enough to disclose himself Another book in this series has tackled the question of revelation ; suffice it to say at this point that without revelation we can not say anything about the Lord who is Spirit .
5 This was telling them — trying to bolster their morale — that we were coming to their aid when it was virtually impossible for us to aid them at that time .
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