Example sentences of "for [art] few [noun pl] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is also some evidence of increased levels of representation for the few women employed in the highest paid jobs ( Labour Research , Jan 1987 ) .
2 Just time for a few hours sleep before the early morning call in the biggest beds you have ever seen .
3 Rachel groaned as her alarm sounded the following Monday morning and , rolling over , she flicked the button to silence it , then lay for a few minutes staring at the ceiling .
4 ‘ It shows that the public is beginning to realise that for a few pounds spent on car security they can protect their second most expensive purchase , ’ he said .
5 ‘ It shows that the public is beginning to realise that for a few pounds spent on car security they can protect their second most expensive purchase . ’
6 I replaced the blanket over his head and stood for a few moments looking at the bodies in their neat little rows .
7 I stood on the fringe of the little group for a few moments waiting for a chance to speak to Lovat .
8 Mr Singh and i drove through the wide streets of New Delhi , empty now but for a few pilgrims washing under the public pumps near the shrine of Nizamuddin .
9 They want a haven for a few days to talk to some neutral listener while they conquer an impending sense of ‘ going round the bend ’ .
10 ‘ Two members of staff were invited by personal acquaintances in the Republican Party to visit the US for a few days to talk about the British general election .
11 Exhibitions and trade shows work can be great fun — there is a chance to meet many new faces , stay in good hotels , have jolly meals with new-found colleagues and for a few days live in a different and , almost always , pleasant if busy world .
12 As he lay for a few seconds recovering from his efforts , Grant ran his eye along the expanse of the steeply sloping roof .
13 At the summit cairn on Shunner Fell , we paused only for a few seconds to look towards Swaledale and back towards Mallerstang before moving on .
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