Example sentences of "for [art] few [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For the few unreconstructed opponents of any sort of National Curriculum , still less one which is legislated , there have been two principal objections .
2 It is certainly true that for a few crucial generations in the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries , the influence of Spanish Jesuits on the never-very-alert minds of the Habsburg emperors was decisive .
3 Addison has encapsulated the result by observing accurately that ‘ for a few critical years after 1945 , the home front ran on without a war to sustain it , and Britain was reconstructed in the image of the war effort ’ .
4 What they all have in common is a basic commitment that the vines should have been cultivated without the use of chemical fertilisers , pesticides , fungicides or herbicides ( except for a few age-old things like Bordeaux mixture ) , and the wine made without chemical additives or agents — apart from a few natural and/or traditional substances .
5 Tito , at the age of 87 , was forced to stay alive for a few extra weeks by the vigorous application of every last trick of the medical trade , including the use of a kidney machine , long after it was apparent that he had reached the end of a pretty long road .
6 Millions and millions of peounds for a few evoc-ative shots of somebody 's home-and-carstle through vaseline and old Jeremy Irons doing his voice-over bit and looking suitably moronic !
7 Bowing to the inevitable , Kenya started to remove the controls in 1988 and had eliminated them all by 1990 , except for a few agricultural products like maize .
8 Somewhere ahead in the crags of Kielderhead Moor a hawk was whistling , a piercing sound in the lonely valley , overlain for a few heart-stopping moments by the snarl of a jet .
9 Vibrational excitation has only been reported for a few simple molecules in the gas phase , as shown in Fig. 5.8 , and vibrational structure may also be seen on some bands arising from electronic transitions .
10 Except for a few stereotyped responses from the wilder churches — Pastor David Powell of the Rotherham Pentecostal Church actually banned gays from his services — and a few jibes from the local National Front , we were always treated politely , listened to with interest and generally well received .
11 Time for a few deep breaths of relaxation .
12 Out on to the stones of the terrace there fell a thick metal spike , not at all dissimilar to the blood-smeared one on which Lord Woodleigh had not fallen , out of sight for a few vital minutes from anyone looking from above .
13 So now , save for a few interesting mounds in the field , there is no visible evidence of its existence .
14 Perhaps this is an appropriate place for a few brief notes on the more common chemical fertilizers and organic manures of plant and animal origin .
15 In an age in which almost every worthwhile appointment likely to attract a gentleman could be obtained only through political interest , true independence was a luxury for a few wealthy bachelors without close kin , and politicians were expected to satisfy their constituents ' needs .
16 The evenings would usually finish on the terrace for a few quiet drinks with new found friends and then off to bed .
17 Hence Sharon and partner Martin can only get to be with their pedigree chum for a few precious hours on Sunday mornings at kennels in Wickford .
18 Her lot had not been a happy one : the husband whom she had only ever seen for a few precious weeks in all since their marriage had now left her a widow , without support and with a child and step-children to fend for .
19 In or after 1147 Andrew returned to England for a few troubled years as the first abbot of Wigmore , a daughter house of St Victor in Herefordshire .
20 Unable to see out the operator inside was responsible for a few unintentional gropes during rehearsals !
21 And for a few fleeting months during our 1992 winter of discontent , he acted as guru to the IRFU on the way ahead for the sport .
22 But the usual squashing and stretching still applies to most projection prints , except for a few large cinemas in major cities which are able to afford the expensive 70mm projectors .
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