Example sentences of "for [art] few [noun pl] [conj] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Helen still looked doubtful , then she said tactfully , ‘ Sophie , I think we should leave Ian and Joanna alone for the few minutes that remain , do n't you ? ’
2 Ice expected to last some time , but look for a few skimmers and perch at Newport on pole and maggot .
3 ‘ We 'll never find her , ’ he told the girl , Anne , ‘ let's just hang about out of earshot for a few minutes and go back . ’
4 " It is a bit ; will you open the back door for a few minutes and let in a breath of air ? "
5 On waking , try staying in bed on waking for a few minutes and let your mind try to recall .
6 Just take it easy for a few minutes and save your strength for when the police arrive .
7 Do you think I might come in for a few minutes and talk to you about Matilda ? ’
8 But if there is someone else waiting with you , and you feel shy doing some of the more noticeable ones , disappear to the cloakroom for a few minutes and do them there .
9 So erm I 've got a bit of time also in which to apply for a few things and go and see a few people erm
10 If you give yourself a shake , change your seating position slightly , open the clear vision panel for some fresh air , change hands on the stick for a few moments and have a sweet or drink , you can snap out of it and start to work normally again .
11 The next day I decided to walk through the forest for a few miles and take the train to Strelsau from a little station along the road .
12 They think they can be thin for a few years and get away with it . ’
13 You may think you have to cut back on the necessities of life for a few days or cancel a treat you had promised yourself and the family .
14 Afterwards I have a rest for a few days or go swimming ’
15 It 's a wonderful opportunity , please do n't discard it out of hand because of pride or pique , just think it over for a few days and let me know your decision when you are ready . ’
16 Do a few products and then , leave them for a few days and go back and integrate them .
17 Could I stay with you for a few days and learn how you manage without magic ? "
18 ‘ You and Ratagan could take one out tomorrow , stay for a few days and have a look around at the western fiefs .
19 ‘ Stay in my flat for a few days and enjoy what you can of the Carnival .
20 ‘ He may decide to hold off for a few days and give steroids to develop the lungs , ’ Belinda suggested .
21 So it might pay a mother to wait for a few days and see what happened to the baby .
22 11 Dip the tin into hot water for a few seconds and turn on to a serving plate .
23 ‘ I would roll over on my ankle and it would pop out for a few seconds and click back in again ’ .
24 Now you 've worked through these 12 exercises , lightly jog for a few seconds and remember to jog where you can , whether it 's going for a bus or running up the stairs .
25 Let the print drain for a few seconds and place it on your flash enlarger ( that 's why the bin liner ) and now run your flash test across the print .
26 Let the print drain for a few seconds and place it on your flash enlarger ( that 's why the bin liner ) and now run your flash test across the print Exposure times should exceed your previously established ‘ max.flash ’ .
27 So after a week he takes away the bandage , removes the bit of radium , sure enough there 's a bright red radiation burn on his forearm but apart from that he feels fine , he does n't feel ill , he obviously has n't died , er so he said well I 'll leave that for a few weeks and monitor my , my health and see if there 's any long term affects from this exposure to , to radiation .
28 Failing that , should we put the grand EC official who is in charge of such policies — Mr. Legras — in a veal crate for a few weeks and see whether he changes his mind after that ?
29 In this case , leave it for a few months and try going again later .
30 They would stay for a few months and go back .
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