Example sentences of "for [art] [det] [noun pl] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We can tell this because the light from their stars is reddened , in the same way and for the same reasons as the noise of an ambulance siren or a car engine seems to change pitch downwards as the vehicle passes you .
2 All involved will need these interfaces for the same reasons as the political and business managers whose decisions are being studied .
3 As Dick comes to know Count Jasper he no longer sees him as a villain and realises that this inscrutable man is in his own way working for the same ends as the conspirators .
4 I ad-libbed for a few minutes while the re-take was set up and they warmed to me , which boosted my confidence and gave me the edge .
5 Dip this end into hormone rooting powder while it is still moist from the cut so that some powder adheres , shake or tap off the surplus and lay it aside for a few minutes while the others are being prepared .
6 It was very simple , efficient , and reliable in operation , with the minor disadvantage that the vaporizer required preheating for a few minutes before the engine could be started ; when running , it retained sufficient heat to ignite the injected fuel .
7 Simmer for a few minutes until the sauce is thickened .
8 Nigel felt they were close for a few moments before the customary iciness set in .
9 Innumerable country spires turn bronze amid newly ploughed fields of copper , just for a few moments before the ball disappears .
10 It was a difficult period for a few years until the market caught up with us . ’
11 In toads , for instance , the males sit on the backs of females for a few days before the female lays her eggs .
12 A solution is to make the following adjustments and stick to them for a few days while the body clock follows the lead given by your altered life-style .
13 In fact , she did not realise she was to have the honour conferred on her for a few days after the letter arrived .
14 At this stage cut off the complete head and invert it in a paper bag , hanging these in an airy place for a few days until the seeds are quite dry .
15 If your tank contains a ‘ chaser ’ , new fish may need to be placed in a breeding trap for a few days until the aggressor gets used to it — or a tank divider is an even better idea .
16 Brush more gently for a few days until the gums become healthy again .
17 The pump ‘ pinned us there for a few seconds before the other lads got it off ’ .
18 And when she jumped up again , the chair sort of stuck to the seat of those awful green breeches she wears and came up with her for a few seconds until the thick syrup slowly came unstuck .
19 But if we wait patiently for a few picoseconds until the charges rearrange themselves there will be no further motion and the problem belongs to the realm of electrostatics .
20 A stiff neck for a few weeks after a bump was tolerated in the past .
21 By contrast , most privately rented accommodation is not available for short periods ( say for a few weeks while a house purchase is carried out ) .
22 She made a mental note to check the tariff later with the receptionist — there would be little point in living so comfortably for a few weeks if the bill swallowed most of her wages at the end of it .
23 Her boyfriend , having disappeared during her pregnancy , returned and acted like a concerned father for a few months after the baby was born , even coming to live in Joanne 's house , but then left as suddenly as he had come , and all the family feel very bitter about this .
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