Example sentences of "for [art] [adj] time [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When hiring tools from HSS Hire Shops you only pay for the actual time the equipment is in use ; in addition you have the HAE assurance that the tools you select are regularly maintained , and are in a safe condition .
2 For a limited time the Abbey National is offering 8.65 per cent — 9.4 per cent APR — fixed until the year 2000 .
3 This hypothesis was for a long time a subject of much contention in anthropology and is not even now entirely laid to rest , but the meagre historical record we possess can not possibly support such an assertion .
4 This , the kylix par excellence , remains for a long time a vehicle for some of the finest vase-drawing , in the ton do and in many figured compositions between the handles .
5 For a long time the boy maintained a defiant silence and did n't look at his father .
6 Signora Silvana Ciammarughi , the owner and creator of this unique establishment , nursed for a long time the dream of acquiring some old house of character , converting it and running it as a hotel .
7 For a long time the building was attributed to Inigo Jones , something people much enjoy doing .
8 For a long time the type remained quite insignificant , but in recent years the increasing attention has added many new varieties , and a few miniature standards are also now available .
9 In the modern Hebrew Bible all numbers are written out in full , but for a long time the text was written without vowels .
10 For a long time the standard has been stuck at 300 dots per inch — the eye can not resolve a single do smaller than this , or so the theory goes — but we are now beginning to see 400dpi , 600dpi and 800dpi printers .
11 For a long time the sound of the men chopping wood stayed with us .
12 One might call this ‘ applied phonology ’ ; however , the phonological analysis of different languages raises a great number of difficult and interesting theoretical problems , and for a long time the study of phonology ‘ for its own sake ’ has been regarded as an important area of theoretical linguistics .
13 For a long time the use of probabilistic information in linguistic systems has been frowned upon by the linguistic community .
14 For a long time the hardware available for handwriting recognition was such that the input would take place on a graphics tablet , while the visual feedback appeared on a monitor screen .
15 But Joseph had always been very devoted to any local news and for a long time the talk of the town had been the Cockermouth man — Fletcher Christian 's — Mutiny .
16 He loved life , and for a long time the force was with him .
17 For a long time the peat has been used as fuel by the more isolated farmers , or crofters , in the north-west .
18 Wordsworth continues to watch , but for a long time the figure refuses to move .
19 For a long time the lawyer called almost every day .
20 Probably the original intention was merely to contrast the procedure with that of a public inquiry ( where , of course , the inquiry is in full view of the public ) but for a long time the bogy of officials beavering away in private and then producing a report which damned some poor individual or organisation , without those officials being in any way accountable , was viewed with grave suspicion .
21 Yet for a long time the Cult of Pleasure was respectable and none connected it with the hidden worship of Chaos .
22 It was , therefore , for a short time a part of the constitutional scheme that emerged from the revolution of the seventeenth century that ‘ Cabinets ’ were prohibited .
23 Later still he became for a short time a professor at Cambridge .
24 That 's how I think of it : as my home , even though I only see it for a short time every year .
25 For example , for a short time the role of chairperson was delegated to a DCSL , and it was subsequently acknowledged that this was inappropriate , given the status and function of that position in the library service .
26 Accumulated errors were to be erased from the holy books , services were to be conducted in a more intelligible manner , sermons were to be encouraged , and scholarship was to be actively fostered in a number of monasteries ; at the same time , new saints were canonized , clergy and laity alike urged to observe the prescribed fasts , and for a brief time the government even went to the lengths of closing the taverns .
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