Example sentences of "i [am/are] not in [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We were reminded that before he became party leader , Neil Kinnock had said , in relation to Peter Tatchell , ‘ I am not in favour of witch-hunts but I do not mistake bloody witches for fairies . ’
2 I am not in favour of ‘ social ’ abortion to get rid of a pregnancy that interferes with a girl having fun at a disco .
3 President Clinton 's plans to bolster US industry — particularly the high tech sector , begin to look disturbingly corporatist , and the chief executive of the Baby Bells ' Bell Communications Research , George Heilmeier , seems to feel the same way : he told Reuter that the government should certainly spur industry to construct a national information highway but it should not build it itself : ‘ I do n't think the public sector should operate or control networks that are commercial , ’ he said , ‘ I am not in favour of the government building the national information infrastructure . ’
4 I am not in favour of long-term institutional care in hospitals , but the balance between the opportunity for decent health care for the elderly in our hospital services and the opportunity for other care has gone much too far .
5 Liberal Democrat candidate Kay Kirkham said : ‘ I am not in favour of extending the undemocratic policy of the TDC .
6 Personally , I am not in favour of mammoth jail sentences except for the deserving few — and that 's not so much a matter of punishment as a means of keeping society free from their future depredations .
7 I am not in love with Nicole and I never have been . ’
8 I am not in love with Florian and I never have been . ’
9 He certainly holds that as long as my action is prompted by mere feeling , or by a judgement as to what will best satisfy my desires , I am not in sight of moral living .
10 ‘ You accept then , Mr Stevens , that I am not in error on this point . ’
11 Thus I am not in principle against the idea of research into embryos .
12 Although I am not in possession of a comprehensive discography , I would surmise that with this latest batch of releases from the ‘ Klemperer Edition ’ , EMI must have transferred to CD practically all the recordings this great conductor made with the Philharmonia and New Philharmonia Orchestra between 1955 and 1970 .
13 Today , I am not in search of England , but in search of English , and I shall be similarly selective in my travels .
14 He said : ‘ I am not in politics for gestures .
15 I 'm not in sympathy with you , you see .
16 You , you 're talking to the wrong man on this , I 'm not in sympathy with you , you see .
17 I 'm un , I do n't know , actually , I 'm not in contact with whose
18 Erm first of all I I 'm not in support of an exceptions policy .
19 I 'm not in boxing for the love of it , just the money .
20 I 'm not in favour of reading too much into history , ’ he explained .
21 I 'm not in favour of blue-stocking girls .
22 Erm I 'm not in favour of granting exemptions for large area of unsupported roof .
23 I 'm not in love with you — there 's a difference . ’
24 Fee Fi Fo Fum — I 'm Not In Love With Anyone !
25 I 'm not in love with you !
26 I 'm not in love with you . ’
27 But I 'm not in love with you .
28 ‘ Well , I 'm not in love with anyone else , if that 's anything to go by , ’ Madeleine said .
29 I 'd say , I 've come back because I 'm not sure any more that I 'm not in love with you .
30 ‘ I 'm glad I did n't because , in the three instances I can think of , I 'm not in love with that person any more .
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