Example sentences of "i [vb mod] not [verb] you [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Is there any reason why I should not send you to prison for a very long time ’
2 Tammuz Malamute , or whoever you are , I should not forgive you for this , he thought wearily .
3 But I 'll not bore you with second-hand accounts of the way he lives .
4 I 'll not charge you for that
5 I 'll not ask you in there with the table because there was n't enough room .
6 I need not bore you with er , a recital of his many accomplishments , I just would single out one additional one , and that is , his sterling work for the Royal Society of Arts , er , its shorter name , erm , of which he has pioneered really , the development of an activity described as industry matters .
7 Yet as our relationship deepened , you seemed to abstract yourself , and sometimes I would not see you for days on end .
8 I would not let you from David 's side willingly , no more than I 'd send him into the battle without a shield . ’
9 I would not charge you for lessons .
10 I would not forsake ye , I would not forsake you for sweetest of scenes : For sweetest of gardens that nature could make me I would not forsake ye , dear valleys and greens : Tho' Nature ne'er dropped ye a cloud-resting mountain , Nor waterfalls tumble their music so free , Had Nature denied ye a bush , tree , or fountain , Ye still had been loved as an Eden by me .
11 ‘ I am not playing , ’ she informed him fiercely , ‘ and I shall not leave you without due notice , however inconvenient . ’
12 ‘ Except that I will not detain you in prison or expel you from Scotland , on one condition .
13 There were other minor problems which I will not bore you with .
14 I will not bore you with going through a lot of slides showing those comparisons , but in a short paper erm you must take my word for it that the two groups were comparable .
15 Having read his Burke , he knows the aphorism which I will not insult you by quoting about taxation .
16 I will not insult you by asking you to be my servant , Burkett , but nevertheless I could use a good man to drive this coach down to Grasmere , get me some fishing over a few days , be prepared to go the odd errand — about a week in all I would guess .
17 Say another word and I will not have you on this mission . ’
18 ‘ I am strength and power and light and speed , Taliesin , ’ he said , ‘ but even I can not protect you from the Time Fire .
19 I can not blame you for helping your wife .
20 Braking his car , he then turned to her and , again with that devastating charm , ‘ I can not return you to your hotel with your insides pleading to be fed , ’ he stated .
21 And I can not take you with me . ’
22 Then , ‘ I can not take you with me without the sorcerers ’ help , ’ he said .
23 I can not kiss you with Ellen forever present . ’
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