Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [vb infin] he the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government are always making predictions , and in that sense the Chancellor may be described as the Mother Shipton — perhaps I should call him the Brother Shipton — of economics .
2 Then we were walking back towards the carriage , and as we passed I heard Mr Jonesy say to the preacher , ‘ I 'll give 'im the devil when I get 'im 'ome . ’
3 I 'm not being nasty I 'll give him the money , but
4 Oh yeah , I 'll give him the money now .
5 I 'll give him the phone number if he wants .
6 ‘ Tell young d'Urberville I 'll sell him the title , yes , sell it , at a reasonable price . ’
7 I 'd give him the order of the boot .
8 ‘ Still alive , and wanting to marry me again — as if I 'd give him the chance ! ’
9 I 'd give 'im the back o' me 'and big as 'e is , an' 'e knows it .
10 I 'd show him the door , tell him if he can get more than that somewhere else he 's very welcome and use the £2million transfer fee on a player who does n't put money first .
11 Yes , he replied , if I would send him the postage .
12 And when we get home again I shall tell him the truth — about who I am , and about Havvie , not the lies about being a governess , and Mama and Papa being dead .
13 I shall give him the figures of refugee applicants for the past three months .
14 I asked him how many houses had been completed in 1991 , and I will tell him the answer .
15 Branfoot said : ‘ I will give him the chance to show what he can do . ’
16 Er , I can assure him the Chief Constable more than shares our concerns about his , hi , hi , his under-funding .
17 before he comes along and er ask er to put me one on and I can give him the money in the bet ,
18 I can give him the assurance that both he and the local authority in his constituency will have ample opportunity to express their views on how best to design the line to reduce the environmental impact .
19 My hon. Friend referred to the north-west of England , and I can give him the figure for Lancashire .
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