Example sentences of "i [vb mod] [vb infin] the [num ord] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I should leave the last word to my son .
2 Thought I might make the next course ‘ Patterns of Light and Shade ’ . ’
3 I thought it would be up to seven weeks after my back operation before I was playing again , and I feared I might miss the first month of the season . ’
4 I 'd like the words when they 're crytalised … since thefirst thing my daughter ( now 19months ) learned to do was the arm movements to ‘ ooh aah Cantona ’ , I suppose I should teach her something new … perhaps I 'll modify the last phrase though ; - )
5 But I 'll go the last step of the way , and ask the last man . ’
6 I 'll send the first prisoner down to you when they arrive .
7 Er , I 'll answer the second part of the , the question .
8 Yes er , well I think we might , I 'll answer the second question but we 'll , we 'll , we 'll answer the first question but we 'll ask Michael , who 's right here to , to comment on entertainment .
9 ‘ Or I 'll miss the last bus .
10 Of the latter fault he says : ‘ I 've learned how to fix that , so I 'll know the next time . ’
11 I 'll get the next flight out to Habane , ’ she assured him .
12 So you listen , damn it , or I 'll get the next plane out , and leave you to cope with the whole bloody lot . ’
13 I 'll skip the first week .
14 I 'll take the next right . ’
15 ‘ You may think you 've won , but I 'll have the last laugh .
16 I 'll have the next round .
17 I 'll have the next card for fourteen million !
18 As soon as I 've collected my things from the boat I 'll catch the first plane home and — ’
19 ‘ Oh , if only I could win the first prize ! ’ breathed Angela .
20 I could wish the first chance that came her way was n't nursing some poor old woman with a weak chest .
21 Erm because the report is er quite a long report mainly the er part of the report erm I will pick out the most important comments and if I could take the first part of the report first erm this concerns a new staffing structure between er , newly emerged welfare rights and advice service .
22 Then I 'd prepare the next meal ; sometimes we would have rice as well as beans .
23 Erm I think I 'd support the first point that we we 're obviously er all in favour well the County Council is certainly in favour of flexibility in terms of addressing the post two thousand er six scenario .
24 Then I 'd hit the next place .
25 Whilst I was in Aachen the Head of Swedish Radio invited me to Stockholm to conduct the new Radio Orchestra and I was asked if I would do the Sixth Symphony , which was quite new then and very little known .
26 I actually feel , there was a time I used to think it would n't happen to me because if I was in that situation I would do this , I would do the next thing and when it did actually happen to me it took me ages to get over
27 That was about the , I would think the fourth shop from er , sommat like that .
28 I 've gone to see my favourite players play — I 'd see them one night and they 'd be phenomenal and I 'd like the show so much that I would go the next night , drive two hours to see it and it would suuuuck ! and that 's just the way it is . ’
29 Mr Jaggers told me Miss Havisham wished to see me on business , so I said I would go the next day .
30 I would answer the second question relating to the expression ‘ is being ’ accordingly .
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