Example sentences of "i [was/were] [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He is teasing me , as the hon. Member for Normanton ( Mr. O'Brien ) and I were teased occasionally in the Standing Committee on the Local Government Finance Bill during the past three weeks .
2 Last night he and I were sitting silently in the kitchen at about midnight , when Heathcliff came home .
3 I was situated immediately behind the cameraman , being at the organ and playing for the service .
4 I was called away to the hospital so I left her at the house waiting for Nigel to turn up to collect her . ’
5 I was looking forward to the ride .
6 I was looking forward to the film because there is a beginning and an end , and I knew where the character was going . ’
7 I was looking forward to the film because there 's a beginning and an end , and I knew exactly where the character was going .
8 I SUPPOSE a lot of people are waiting to greet the first cuckoo of spring , but I was looking forward to the first hedgehog of spring .
9 No , I was looking forward to the Open because I 'd been stationed at Formby for my army service and I was anticipating meeting all my old friends from that time .
10 Mr and Mrs Smith , the benign proprietors , were always good to me , giving me a lolly or a ‘ black jack ’ every time I shopped there , and I was looking forward to the treat as I stood behind a small queue masking the counter .
11 I was looking forward to the chance to meet ‘ our ’ health visitor and find out what would be expected of me in the months leading up to the birth .
12 Altrincham , although personally I was looking forward to the retreat as time for winding down !
13 Hobbling into Range West on crutches , with a rope round my shoulders , I was looking forward to the expressions of disbelief that would have greeted my reply to sentries ' questions about what I was doing .
14 I was looking forward to the thrill of reaching the highest spot in the British Isles .
15 When I left you last month I was looking forward to the second round of the Macpherson Paints UK Championships to be fished at Diglis Weir on the River Severn .
16 I felt that I was looking right into the worms of pain in his skull , but they turned into slugs trying to eat their own tails .
17 It was when I was gazing dully at the finger , the heel of my hand resting in an intercostal space , that I felt the faintest flutter from below .
18 Caught unawares I was dragged helplessly into the nightmare world of The Catacombs .
19 Caught unawares I was dragged helplessly into the nightmare world of The Catacombs .
20 I was listening carefully to the Hon. Lady before the Hon. Gentleman intervened .
21 As I slid to the floor I was kicked hard in the face with a slippered foot .
22 I think I was destroyed long before the divorce courts .
23 I was struck too by the way in which we started the programme by considering the dangers of the situation and there 's no doubt that that 's correct , but it is important to say , perhaps the most important thing is that the end of is n't in the Soviet Union and the break up of the Soviet Empire is an enormously positive event for all of us , for the citizens of the Soviet Union and for us in the West it gives the opportunity for much greater stability , real stability , peace and prosperity then ever existed under the old regime .
24 I was treated abominably by the police when I was assaulted in the home
25 I was chased mercilessly about the streets by my campaign assistant , Simon Heffer , who is now the chief leader-writer of the Daily Telegraph but whom I knew in those days as a fellow ( but younger ) old boy from Chelmsford .
26 I was thinking more along the lines of — let's go to the boutique . ’
27 I was thinking more about the pottery , ’ said Christopher .
28 I was thinking more about the unkind remarks you made about my trenchcoat . ’
29 It turned out to be a very arty , dimly-lit place , and I was harried constantly by the manager , who wanted me out before he opened up , but somehow I managed to get the job done , and I was quite pleased with it too ’ .
30 One minute I was in Holland working as a clerk in a police station and the next I was zooming all around the world .
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