Example sentences of "i [vb past] [pn reflx] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With some wariness I lowered myself on to the front edge of his couch , while form one side more flunkeys appeared , guiding a hover-table laden with delicacies and fancy drinks .
2 I lowered myself down off the fence .
3 I flung myself down on the grass in the sunshine and stared up at the blue .
4 When he finally got on his feet , Roger seemed unduly keen , and I found myself unexpectedly on the defensive .
5 I found myself aground in the middle of the loch , firmly wedged on one such stump , and the only way out of the problem was to leap overboard and shove .
6 After a few attempts at checking myself by thinking of Hattie Jacques and Eric Sykes riding a tandem , I found myself back at the doctor .
7 He conducted me back down the cold stone steps by the scruff of my neck and soon I found myself back in the street again .
8 And so I found myself back in the overgrown garden in the bright daylight .
9 The moment I felt myself slipping back into that sad , old routine , I jerked myself back to the reality of the moment .
10 That settled , I booked myself in for the first two weeks of August , five months after my operation .
11 I buried myself deeper in the warmth of my own blanket and slept again .
12 I drove myself on in the certainty that I held the ‘ trump ’ card behind me , quite literally .
13 I hid myself away in the long grass at the edge of the wood near Sykes Farm .
14 Tourists clicked away with cameras as I hauled myself inelegantly over the top .
15 Yes a row of houses and of course when I saw I looked out the door and there was this plane swooping down like that and it seemed so low because they were aiming an and the bomb fell in the cattle market and , and I threw myself on to the stone floor , you see , and er and presently one of the ambulance men came round to my office door and he said , are you alright ?
16 I threw myself back on the bed with a laugh .
17 I threw myself back through the door , falling to the ground .
18 Perhaps she just did it out of the goodness of her heart — or perhaps ( and this thought provoked a fresh spurt of giggles in my throat ) half the little souvenirs that littered her room were tokens of gratitude — from Torquay , Margate and Llandrindod Wells — I pulled myself together with a great effort , and took my hands from my face .
19 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
20 I dolled myself up after the bath .
21 Father appeared above me on the top step and I wrenched myself out of the man 's nasty fingers .
22 Rex and Harpo/Chico were all nuzzled up in the land of nod , so I took myself over to the window to watch the sun rise over Presley City .
23 ‘ As my mother no longer had means to live , she died ; and I took myself off to the south in search of more sunshine and a master who asked no questions . ’
24 On one occasion , when Miss Mayhew had gone off to have her hair done after my lesson , I took myself off to the newspaper offices and asked to look up their old records .
25 You know I took himself off to the Park the other day , the the tiny one you know ! and fortunately I was n't in charge , his father was in charge of them .
26 Jack , Willy , Rex and I took ourselves off to the Lamb Inn for lunch and put away as much ale and steak and kidney pie as four young men could desire .
27 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
28 Just for the sake of neatness , I 'd asked Miss Hinkle to set Sam Thompson to work finding out about Mrs. Porter and her big black car when I excused myself early in the interview with her .
29 I shut myself off from the female race and channelled all my energy into my work .
30 Until I had myself out of the frame , it was n't a good idea to drag anyone into the case who was n't there already .
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