Example sentences of "i [vb past] [prep] [noun] the other " in BNC.

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1 It 's funny , I thought about sweeteners the other day , I think it 's just as bad as sugar , I think .
2 I went to bed the other night .
3 I mean I spoke to Jane the other Sunday and I , I said to her you know , just be honest , I said I do n't care what you said , but just be honest and tell me how much you think I weigh , cos she does n't know how much I weigh and she thought I weighed about ten stone , I said well stick thirteen pounds on top of that , then you 'll be right , she could n't believe that I , that I weighed that much , so obviously it does n't look that bad and people at work , well they 've noticed that I 've lost weight , but they do n't say how much they think I weigh , so I do n't want come to them to sort of , have a , have a g have a guess of my weight .
4 When I spoke to Travis the other day I understood he 'd had a change of heart . ’
5 ‘ Look where it 's got us ! ’ — that was the assumption behind all I said at Diodati the other evening .
6 I mean really look I said to Fred the other day if you knew you were depressed .
7 he looks terrible actually I said to Dave the other week I said ai n't he lost weight , look at his face , he 's so thin
8 Another thing I said to Caliban the other day — we were listening to jazz — I said , do n't you dig this ? and he said , in the garden .
9 I ask these questions because of course article five of the treaty of Rome basis a burden on this court , it does n't er create rights in itself , I think everyone agrees with this , but it certainly er imposes a duty on this court erm to apply with er community laws , purposes and principals and I 'm wondering whether erm , that , that is why I 'm looking at the possible consequences of this er the inter relationship between the , for example , the directive and article eighty five , er and bearing in mind as I said to Mr the other day , the consequences erm of er these fees
10 I said to Salman the other day ’ ( uttered at a dinner party I attended ) , ‘ When I was director of marketing …
11 From the meeting that m that Trevor and I had with Keith the other day , erm Keith is actually working in support of us to try and m maintain us working for them in the future .
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