Example sentences of "i [vb past] [verb] [pron] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 I 'd broken my heel the week before whilst soloing at Pex Hill !
2 I went to the kitchen for something to eat but I 'd finished my food the night before and he had n't given me any more .
3 Even after I 'd told my wife the good news I could n't hide my depression .
4 In 1973 I began investigating what effect the uncertainty principle would have on a particle in the curved space-time near a black hole .
5 In 1973 I started investigating what difference the uncertainty principle would make to black holes .
6 When from the kitchen window I had seen my brother-in-law the councillor walking slowly down the path arm-in-arm with Mrs McLaren , it was the strangest , the most unlikely sight I could possibly have imagined .
7 I did n't mean to become so intense about it — I had realised my mistake the previous time — but I needed to keep from pining and working a sixteen-hour day seemed to be the only way I could manage it .
8 I found the door unlocked as I had given my master the key before I left ; the light was poor but I could see nothing had been disturbed so lay down on the bed , pulling the curtains around me .
9 I had advised Her Majesty the Queen not to break her holiday and leave Balmoral because of the General Election .
10 When my mother separated from my father in April 1981 I wanted to afford my father the security of a home so I entered into a verbal agreement to allow him to stay in the house during his lifetime and described this as a life tenancy on form ‘ Stamps L(A)451 ’ .
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