Example sentences of "i [vb base] if [pron] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I also think , on er sort of workers ' rights , I mean if you know the person that 's made it , like a local butcher , I would trust more to make I would trust more than .
2 I mean if you take the regulatory we did it with today that it consists of the Bank of England , the Securities and Investment Board , twenty four organisations of the S I B S , siblings you might call them er under it , the Building Societies Commission , the police , the serious fraud office , the Department of Trade and Industry , the London Stock Exchange , the Inland Revenue , five recognised supervisory bodies , all those dealing with er auditors and the others , it 's chaos er and nobody knows who is responsible for what and in that chaos you get overlapping decisions er er and conflicting regulations , everybody tries to ensure themselves by regulating too much er er and it 's a situation which drastically needs simplification , but we do n't have any proposals for strengthening and making that work er er frame work more effective , to back up er this er simple proposal today .
3 I mean if you take the number of people we 've had that 's had to get babysitters and that
4 which is probably very tried , but I mean if you imagine the whole of Britain with no museums , no concerts , no ballet and no opera none of these things , then you would be a very impoverished society .
5 you 're not fucking throwing the plane out of control or the elevator would rip off or something , I mean if you get the same sort of thing probably would only have to do that , break the surface a little bit .
6 Well what 's she frightened of like , I mean if she opened the door this
7 And I say if you do the spuds just well , if they start to go brown inside chuck them .
8 I reckon if you decompose the outline alright ?
9 I find if you get the case started off quickly it all goes easily . ’
10 I ask if they think the black girl will come out soon .
11 Not having a copy of Class War : Britain 's Most Unruly Tabloid to hand , and doubtful of getting one at short notice , I ask if he has the telephone number .
12 I doubt if I had the necessary day or so to spare .
13 But that is a highly vulnerable position for any politician to take - and I doubt if it offers the whole answer .
14 Now we all know because we 're print buyers to a larger or greater degree but they 're clients they over-estimate they add about twenty five per cent more on than they need and you have to send them back to sharpen their pencils several times before you 've seen the estimate , they of course know that all print buyers are idiots who keep forgetting all the important things and do n't give them half the information they need like the weight of paper or the fact that there 's to be a pocket at the back so , I think if we got the man I think if we maybe started off with H M S O the print buyer which is more akin to what we are and say well you know these are the problems I 've got I 'm sitting with a six million pound budget buying for the whole of the government of Scotland and I have problems and these are the problems that I have , then we get to the wee man from who says now wait a minute boys I get the rubbish that you send out , that was the message and let's make it funny but slightly aggressive let's highlight the real problems because that 's what it 's about , we 're not here for a nice night we 're here to learn
15 I think if we get the same budget next year , we will have to consider very carefully what work load we undertake in the next financial year , yes .
16 I think if you ask the S F A , er er at the moment we have currently very good relationships with the S F A we 're not affiliated to them , we 're rec , we 're recognised by them .
17 I think a medical problem different say for instance for myself I got an awful bash on the nose playing badminton and they thought it was broken , however it mended and I wished it had broken because its mended a bit , but I do not believe in spending money on cosmetic surgery because I think if you make the best of what you have and think of all the people were mutilated by disease
18 But I think if you listen the stories of women themselves , er , who are abused in the home and who call the police , I think you would find that the same old attitudes are still erm been found .
19 As I was saying earlier on , it is a contract a legally binding contract , which does lay down the actual contractual position , but as in every business we do n't stick rigidly to the lettering of the policy , so erm in practice I think if you take the policy purely as it is erm it probably gives not as good effect of the policy as it actually is .
20 And I think , if you look at that video , it will actually perhaps encourage you because it sh yes , those are experienced advocates , I 'm not expecting you to refine your skills to that level , but I think if you see the , the erm the level of which experienced advocates advocate at it will actually perhaps make you relax a little , if you see the stand realize that the standard we 're expecting you to go to is not , not anywhere near quite as high as that .
21 I think if I had the confidence of 2 or 3 years ago I would have won the 2nd set and probably the match , ’ he said .
22 No I think if I had the choice I 'd move the tulip and leave the trees .
23 And so we 're likely to I think if I put the whole list in the newsletter it might have put people off .
24 I never sold a garment or got an order from this source , I wonder if they saw the light of day .
25 I wonder if they charge the same prices for their take away as for sitting at the table .
26 I wonder if you miss the hairdressing at all ?
27 I wonder if he hit the floor … if he did it would have been on his head .
28 No I do n't need the rail , I do n't the rail money in er Cos I presume if you pay the seven quid you 'll be more or less committed then to paying the I 'll I 'll get the rail money a bit later than .
29 I notice if you put the the headphones in it would erm you 'd maybe be listening to it as it 's taping ?
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