Example sentences of "i [vb base] for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I mean for the price of that bed , I mean you could n't go far wrong though .
2 To use another metaphor , if the world of education becomes a jungle of market forces , I fear for the survival of children with special needs .
3 If this does not happen , I fear for the future of this denomination which I love and to which I am loyal .
4 I long for the protection of a written constitution like that of the US with its First Amendment , which elevates freedom of expression above freedom to hide from intellectual challenge , or even vulgar verbal abuse .
5 I doze for the rest of the day , like a cat .
6 I apologise for the delay in response — we had to track down which university you were at !
7 I apologise for the delay in replying , but I have only just got to the bottom of my ‘ in tray ’ after months of chasing deadlines !
8 I apologise for the delay in replying to you .
9 I apologise for the delay in replying .
10 I apologise for the delay in replying to you .
11 I apologise for the delay in arriving .
12 I apologise for the length of this letter but I do believe that it is essential that you have a clear understanding of what it is we are to do .
13 I apologise for the length of the , of the grouping , but it has been agreed between all of those concerned that it would be better er for the Committee to have a single debate on the size and composition of police authorities , rather than er a seri a series of debates on closely-related issues .
14 I head for the sound of the radio .
15 With all my heart I hope for the failure of that first book — no , volume , of mine , from beginning to end not trash , but heartless pretence .
16 Later in the morning , I deputise for the Head of Administrative Law in a compulsory competitive tendering meeting with the Director of Housing , officers from Corporate Standards and Management Services and the unions to discuss service level agreements and putting the cleaning of estates out to tender .
17 I think I talk for the whole of when I say this , erm , the disgusting way that Borough Council are doing grass cutting .
18 Erm I feel for the quality of the show that they 're seeing , two pound fifty is is nothing .
19 I apologize for the lack of peas and for my son 's intransigence .
20 I apologize for the urgency on this , but to get it through to the Department of the Environment it has to be lodged at the beginning of February and then up to then by by March .
21 In the first part I argue for the inclusion of gender awareness as a valid dimension of educational analysis of the arts and , as a vehicle for this argument , posit a set of four general criteria which might legitimately be used by arts educators as part of a re-evaluation of the arts curriculum in this regard .
22 I did , you 'll have to forgive me , I mean I think for the sake of those who were not at the meeting erm what we should really say is that actually said that he wanted to hear what kind of a parish we are so that he could attempt to match the , the incoming priest with you know the need of the parish .
23 I , I would like to support this Chair , and it 's a relatively small amount , especially I do n't know how much it would , it would cost , but erm , Andy the er , District Youth Officer , did produce er , er , a very much in-depth report erm , to the last of the Southern Area Youth Advisory Committee , erm , showing erm , how much demarcation er , the , the , the actual river does produce , and is very much a relatively deprived area , and I , I think for the amount of money that 's involved here , I think in view of what he said then , I do n't know the area at all , but er , I , I think he would be erm , very impressed with it .
24 ‘ I adore you , your body drives me wild with desire , I live for the light in your eyes , my whole being lights up at the thought of you .
25 I call for the report on the panel on doctrine on page one hundred and eighty five to be presented by Dr Stuart .
26 ‘ I ca n't say I care for the idea of you two discussing me behind my back , but if you must know I was suffering from reaction , ’ said Leonora with dignity .
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