Example sentences of "i [vb base] not [verb] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 He said he could not serve on that sub-committeee ( consisting of Brian Close , Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott , Tony Woodhouse ) ‘ when I do not see eye to eye with them on any subject ’ .
2 I do n't see eye to eye with Tod on all issues .
3 I do n't follow rugby to that extent .
4 But that 's peanuts compared with what I stand to lose if I do n't get Seawitch to Athens by the fourth . ’
5 With an effort she said , ‘ Listen , Frank , and you can pass this on if you want to : I 've not given Sleet to Mr Kennedy , nor sold it to him .
6 She has but I 've not had time to er assess her yet .
7 I 'm in the dark here obviously because I have n't I have n't had access to this particular case .
8 I have n't got time to er mark them all in a formal sense , so just bring a plan y'know if y give me somebody give me a mock title cos I 'm very reluctant to dream up titles under these circumstances Okay , compare and contrast two theories of aggression .
9 Me brain 's so bloody crinkled up with other things I have n't got time to bloody think about driving .
10 I have n't got access to what we need most — written evidence . ’
11 I have not given way to Opposition Members —
12 For the parent , the same phrase means the inverse : I have not given birth to the monster which my upbringing and socialisation led me to believe I 'd had , but to a normal member of the human species as I now define it .
13 Like David , I have not got access to Satellite TV so I am also stuck with teletext and very poor coverage from the BBC .
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