Example sentences of "i [be] [verb] [to-vb] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ My officers and I are determined to track down the offender before he does any more harm , ’ said Mr Hodson .
2 Further to our meeting last Friday , I am writing to set out the advice and assistance that we are able to provide in connection with the intended sale of Older Business Limited .
3 In connection with the role you have asked me to undertake in the dispute between Mr D Smith and the other directors of and shareholders in Smith & Co Limited , I am writing to set out the nature of the responsibilities which you wish me to perform .
4 I am trying to open up the moor by re-seeding and protecting the heather . ’
5 I am trying to move forward the agreement with the Bank of Scotland and will keep you advised of progress .
6 Cricket is the only even vaguely athletic endeavour I involve myself in , unless you count walking the dog or grovelling to my bank manager , so if I am forced to give up the game by the purchase of these new sightscreens , my fitness will suffer .
7 I am going to point out the arguments for culling .
8 But in this chapter I am going to argue just the opposite .
9 I am starting to fill up the dates .
10 That 's why I 'm trying to fill up the gap with a few concerts , but of course I 'm not good enough for the big dates , it will be mostly provincial engagements .
11 I 'm trying to sort out the e year eight sex education with Bernie at the moment .
12 But I 'm trying to track down the man who brutally murdered Sandy , your sister .
13 I 'm trying to track down the Presley hoard .
14 I 'm just sort of rushing through this a bit , and I 'm trying to show where the where most people get it wrong .
15 I 'm trying to think where the one
16 I 'm trying to think how the fuck I 'm gon na conduct this meeting with half the company round the table .
17 I 'm helping to set out the stalls for the hospital bazaar — should be back about midday , ’ she called , as she let herself out of the house .
18 He was born independent , self-sufficient and still is , and I 'm left to wonder where the time went .
19 I 'm going to hang out the washing on
20 After that , nothing happened for hours till Gloria suddenly said , ‘ Listen , ducky , I 'm going to pop up the West End .
21 Hold on tight now — I 'm going to whip up the horse .
22 I 'm going to stoke up the fire and dry Beuno 's socks . ’
23 I 'm going to see how the search is going on . ’
24 I 've got know that I 'm going to do both the maths
25 I 'm going to enlarge both the geological room and the botanical room , ’ Svend continued , barely stopping to take breath .
26 What I 'm going to do is to examine now I 'm going to go up the collar bone first over the shoulder pad , T-shirt with a shoulder pad .
27 Yes I am the outcome of it all is that she 's waiting on the wall , getting piles and I 'm going to go down the shop with her .
28 However hard it is , however cosy you are in your chair , you must just say , ‘ I 'm going to stretch my legs ’ or ‘ I 'm going to walk down the passage just to show that I can do it ! . ’
29 I 'm going to park up the top .
30 and I 'm going to write down the answers they give me and get them to sign them because I have I have really been beaten about the head by this !
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