Example sentences of "i [verb] and [verb] they [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Erm also I mean and to help them with the audio tour , because the audio tour despite all our efforts to be clear about how it works , continually confuses people and they sort of , oh where am I , I thought I was in here .
2 well I do n't , I wash and put them on the rack
3 Now in the lock museum I 've taken some locks th that I collected and took them over there they used to do speed locks butted locks sidecar locks er then , as the motor trade changed from all wood frames to metal frames , other types of locks , I took there but this is what is amazing me , they , at the lock museum they highlight all the Willinghall locks which are the padlocks , which are locks er wardrobe locks , cabinet locks and all the smaller type of locks but there was the biggest industry , I mean Walsall locks are still in existence now , they made er er locks for , for , for cars , the Bloxwich lock , that was their biggest trade was er , was er the bigger locks .
4 I went and fetched them off the sheet counter .
5 I said well what the hell 's she doing Arthur , if she do n't want them tell her to come , send them in here I said and give them to the kids .
6 I stood and watched them for a while , training my binoculars on them and seeming , now and again in the shifting images of light , to discern structures around them .
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