Example sentences of "i [verb] about the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I asked about the baby and she looked at me as if I should know . ’
2 I will elaborate on the point that I made about the disruption that may be caused when additional tens of thousands of people are brought into the area , if the development at King 's Cross goes ahead .
3 Framsden mill and its environs will illustrate what I mean about the compactness and self-sufficiency of the rural villages in East Anglia .
4 How can I go back now , knowing that everything I believed about the Store and Arnold Bros and Grandson Richard is just … is just an opinion ? ’
5 What shall I do about the stuff that I have n't done ?
6 I was so sure I was drowning that I forgot about the race and screamed out , " Father !
7 And then I forgot about the idea and I just drifted into something else .
8 I forgot about the danger and decided not to go home .
9 Everywhere I hear about the malaise and uncertainty this is producing .
10 I know about the AOL and the AOL is good for a hundred years ! ’
11 I know — I know about the monster that haunts your life ! ’
12 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
13 ‘ There were things I loved about the area and things I hated , ’ she said .
14 I knew about the affair before he did , ’ Faye went on over Belinda 's murmured comment .
15 I knew about the air-vent before we came .
16 So , and she knew about the office , and I knew about the office and knew everything they were wanting me to know but a man got it from outside so
17 I thought about the possibility but when my friends kept saying that I would be chosen I said that I thought the selectors would go for more experience .
18 I hoped so , and I was going to take the risk of finding out , but then Bill started talking about your once-in-a-lifetime chance to travel , and I thought about the fact that I 'm thirty-four and you 're twenty-two … ’
19 That 's a big chunk of the population and I worried about the hardship that I was causing as a result of what was really a commercial decision . ’
20 I think about the year that 's gone past , perhaps , people who 've passed out of my life , and think of it as a new beginning , and I wish as Scots that we would hold on to it and perpetuate that tradition and get away from gathering around the T V in Hogmanay .
21 I think about the carpet that 's got to be laid , and I must clean those windows tomorrow …
22 But I learned about the problem that has dogged him from race one , and he confirmed to me : ‘ At the end of the season I 'll be having an operation . ’
23 I had one friend from another house who felt the same way as I did about the school and the whole process we were being put through .
24 I played outside , running around in a pair of shorts and — I imagine-quite happy to have the whole pregnancy thing going on because it gave me more freedom to do as I liked about the house and garden , free from my father 's supervision .
25 The major thing I miss about the mainland though is the trees , because although there is a varied landscape and a diversity of habitats there are n't any trees anywhere .
26 What can I say about the sculptor that designed the molecules of the grenadilla whose shape causes this ecstasy in the matrix of the senses ?
27 It has been so rewarding for me to read about the happiness and freedom from the prison of obesity that is now enjoyed by so many .
28 My husband did n't like me talking about the theatre although he had encouraged me to do so when we were courting .
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