Example sentences of "i [verb] at [art] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 But when he gets round to it , I think he 'll control them a bit more closely , now you can invest in that sort of fund quite safely , and although it wo n't give you any capital growth , because if they 're giving you ten percent income , obviously the capital growth 's going to be limited , but er if it 's the income that you 're after , not a bad thing to do , so I mean at the moment I may actually combine one income-type er P E P with one growth and income , where the , where the , perhaps the yield is about five percent .
2 There was a problem with gilt funds about three years ago , and T S B ran up against the problem of falling gilt yields and trying to maintain the , the flow to the investor , which they did , but th they failed to tell the investor that they were having to erm sell gilts and er trade under market value , so in fact you reduce the fund , but there are halfway stages , and I mean at the moment I can get round about eight percent , plus on , on erm er offshore funds .
3 you know , but I mean at the moment I keep , he 's coming home some nights and , you know it like , he 'll come home and say I had a really good morning the kids were great , but as for the afternoon , and like he said when you 're teaching you 're only as good as your last lesson , you know
4 Oh they bag something terrible but then I say at the price I 'm not gon na buy them , I 'm not , but in the Dodger 's there 's not one small in any colour
5 I stopped at a pub I used rarely near the BBC and had a ploughman 's and a couple of orange juices , no alcohol , partly because I wanted to keep a clear head and partly to fit in with the cab-driver persona .
6 Thus as I look at the figures I see the question in a broader context .
7 As I look at the water I hear a distinctive slurp as a chub sucks some morsel through the surface ; then I see the rings rippling away from the spot where it happened .
8 I just try to make sure I look at the person I 'm talking to , and show them I 'm interested .
9 In fact , I arrived at a look I liked fifteen years ago and I have hardly changed it since then .
10 ‘ When I arrived at the river I was n't at all sure I was doing the right thing because the water temperature was 4.1 degrees Centigrade and the air temperature was 1.8 degrees , ’ said Les .
11 When I arrived at the school I saw some people who I recognised from the induction days .
12 When I arrived at the counter I asked for Katrina .
13 I come to the hurdle which I confessed at the outset I might find difficult to clear : why collect first editions anyway , since the path is so littered with obstructions , difficulties and bibliographical rubbish , and the pilgrimage is often attended with so much expense ?
14 Now as I looked at the tree I saw that the great things had been there all the time but I had mistaken them for the background .
15 While there are problems in the class , … when I looked at the programme I could see that problems that are caused because you are not explaining yourself , you are not getting them down to work , they do n't understand what they 're doing .
16 And the wallpaper , I looked at the wallpaper I thought , God if I can get a blind like that !
17 erm I 'd like to be able to present something in front of me which prompts me a bit better than I do at the moment I tend to get lost in what 's in front of me .
18 I think at the outset I need to erm clarify Hambledon 's position , erm Hambledon 's position is that it objects erm to the new settlement on the basis that it 's not needed and can not be justified , and I would n't wish erm for the er Council 's position to be interpreted as anything less than that .
19 From what I learned at the meeting I ca n't see why he thinks I 'm up to such a task , but maybe la bête a ses raisons que la belle ne connaît pas .
20 Mark : I ca n't say that to the same extent , but where I live at the moment I know a lot of people within five minutes ' walk and there are ten or fifteen gay people I know who live locally ; there are people I can visit without any great effort whatsoever , whom I 'm likely to meet in the shops .
21 As I said at the beginning I love a challenge and I would put pretty well everything into making sure that Virgin Atlantic is here in twenty years ' time .
22 As I said at the beginning I think one should be wary about using the word natural , because sometimes people use it you know to promote something you know like on advertising you know it 's natural , must be good for you , but at the same time there are certain things that are natural that are very bad for you like death and if I were to say you know death is natural , nobody would think I was advocating suicide of course not .
23 Well my Lord as I said as I said at the beginning I think the both Mr and myself considered that it might er assist your Lordship considerably if you have some time now to read er the witness statements and the reports from the expert which are in bundle three and indeed erm .
24 A lovely lady , Molly Braithwaite , came to teach , and one day as I sat at the back I felt ‘ Surely I could do a little of that gently swinging ’ , picked up a club , and was off ‘ moving with the Medau ’ .
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