Example sentences of "i [verb] he [vb -s] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But I believe he has the potential to become the best of my six world champions .
2 I suppose he hopes the pathologist who butchers her will find skin tissue under her nails .
3 Zeta 's Lad , who has won five chases in a row this season , certainly looks the part and although he is no ‘ good thing ’ I feel he has the form to win the race given a clear round .
4 He do n't mind that at all — I think he likes the company .
5 I think he deserves the award . ’
6 Sir : While agreeing with much of what Jonathan Glancey say in his article on ‘ A-road ’ architecture ( 4 October ) , I think he misses the point when he says that no one cares about it .
7 I think he puts the fear of hell into everybody . ’
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