Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] see [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rarely seen the place as packed as it was when I got there .
2 And I 'd just seen a colleague come and go in less than three months …
3 I 'd also seen a probation person .
4 ‘ Oh , yes , a nurse came across ; she 'd remembered I 'd already seen the doctor .
5 I 'd never seen a weapon like that before — only military rifles .
6 I went to see the semi-finals of the Midland Bank Championships in Brighton — the first time I 'd ever seen a tennis match live .
7 I came here to see a Mrs Denner , to design her garden . ’
8 I came here to see the installation of an air-conditioning unit , not to be involved in your personal life ! ’
9 I tricked him , but I had to , I remember once seeing a mosaic , a Roman mosaic .
10 I look forward with considerable pleasure to our arrival at Flinders whither I proceed purposely to see the remnants of the inhabitants which once peopled this fine Island over which they were Lords and Masters but now submissive creatures to the wiles of Englishmen .
11 I went upstairs to see the bloke in my bed and I thought this is lucky it was three bloody dogs in your garden when I went out the other night .
12 I yes , I mean it did make I did actually see a press release erm
13 I liked too to see the toddlers playing happily in the small grassy graveyard which adjoined it , their blue and white checked overalls gay against the sober grey of the simple tombstones .
14 I had already seen a couple of ringed seals , several eider duck , many Arctic terns and kittiwakes and a few scruffy immature glaucous gulls before I crept into my bunk to sleep .
15 Very fortunately , for goldfinches and linnets , I soon discovered , happened to be two of the reserve 's commonest species and it would have been akin to rushing out to tell my neighbours back home that I had just seen a sparrow in the yard .
16 I had never seen a man deliberately killed before and I was more scared even than I had been before .
17 I had never seen a kiln fired before and the unpredictable behaviour of live flame could only add to the already restless sensuality of the afternoon .
18 I had never seen a horse breathe like this .
19 I had never seen a police launch , but this one had an unmistakably official look about it , and in size and speed would be more than a match for either Stormy Petrel or Sea Otter .
20 This caused a needle to bend to an angle at which I had never seen a needle before !
21 I had never seen a bank nurse before and assumed she came from the Natwest .
22 I had never seen the church so effortlessly packed .
23 All sorts of bits were falling off , exposing lots of snazzy metalwork and futuristic circuitry the likes of which I had never seen the likes of .
24 The year before , I had never seen the mink I was filming return without an eel , usually within 15 minutes .
25 I had only seen a wall there before , and now my heart leapt when I saw , through the Bride and the Bachelors , through the Milky Way and the Chariot and the Grinder and the Sieves - someone moving .
26 The cows I could see grazed on and on , and I was trying to remember if I had ever seen an ox grazing instead of working .
27 It was the first time that I had ever seen the inside of a police cell .
28 I 've yet to see a case of what we would define as really rape .
29 I 've just seen a tape of the BBC 's The Gospels , produced by Jack Emery , which is being shown every day during Easter week .
30 oh , I 've just seen the word David , I have just seen the word David
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