Example sentences of "i [verb] [to-vb] at [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly his terse telephone technique had annoyed me last night , but not enough to make me want to spit at the sight of him .
2 We hope very much it will be useful , but as I tried to stress at the beginning , we very much see the problems of developing countries , which we in the Institute are working on , as part of the problems of what 's going wrong in the world at the moment , in which we in Britain very much have a stake too .
3 I tried to look at the scenery .
4 That fact that in , a two years time I can go on to do the subjects that I want to do at the University in Scotland of my choice .
5 Firstly I want to look at the idea of partnership .
6 ‘ No , I want to look at the ponies with Ricky , ’ said Perdita , frantic not to miss a minute .
7 I want to look at the consequences of replacing these assumptions by two others : that we should concentrate on how mind might develop out of matter ; and that we should view the mind primarily as something which enables action .
8 I 'm sorry to inflict this on you , Miss Glynn , but I want to look at the contents of the bureau amongst other things and it is better that a member of the family should be present .
9 I want to look at the bodies . ’
10 I stopped to look at the shore .
11 ‘ We toured the Transport Museum , ’ said Peter , ‘ and Alexander Karaulov and I stopped to look at the autogyro on display .
12 In time I learnt to tell at a glance , from the decorations he wore , how often a man had killed , just as I might tell from his campaign medals where a British soldier had served .
13 So that was how I came to sit at the Gorengs ' dining-table with Master Goreng and Longman 's standard conversational texts before us .
14 I came to look at the gravestone . ’
15 ‘ The most extraordinary thing happened , ’ he explained , ‘ I was sitting here ( at his desk in Kensington palace ) , and I happened to look at the bookshelf , and my eyes settled on a book about Paracelsus .
16 Then what am I going to do at the weekends ?
17 Later , after I had qualified as a teacher and got married , I began to study at the university , teaching at a school during the day .
18 When I come to paint , I like to look at the drawing ; then I put it away and do n't look at it again , because I do n't want even the drawing to influence too much the progress of the painting .
19 Well , when I was asked to speak to you today , I decided to look at the Oxford Dictionary 's definition of Community , which is joint ownership or liability .
20 I invariably sat at the back of the class for reasons not unconnected with gang warfare , and if I needed to glance at the blackboard there was always someone to show me roughly where it was .
21 I invariably sat at the back of the class for reasons not unconnected with gang warfare , and if I needed to glance at the blackboard there was always someone to show me roughly where it was .
22 Like that deep trog of a bank manager I went to see at the end of my first term at university .
23 The kitchen looked so clean and bright , and the ladies so kind and sensible , that I dared to knock at the door .
24 THE FIRST thing I had to do at the NME was draw a cucumber .
25 I had to tell at the table .
26 On reading the Echo report I had to look at the top of the page to make certain that the date was June 1st and not April 1st .
27 I felt helpless and despairing and suddenly so ill that I had to clutch at the door to stop myself falling .
28 It was n't that the song had a particular relevance — it was n't about AIDS — but it was a song that I felt was the best way of expressing myself and also the best thing I had to offer at the time .
29 I prefer to look at the original ! ’
30 The Hotel Manila has now been transformed into a Ramada Renaissance Hotel , with correspondingly high prices , so I prefer to stay at the Hotel Gaudi , still unspoilt , which has the advantage of being right opposite the enchanting Theatre Museum .
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