Example sentences of "i [verb] [conj] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Then I realized that over the years the white wedding dress had become yellow , and the flowers in her hair had died , and the bride inside the dress had grown old .
2 On checking through the Division list , I found that among the Members who sadly threw out that advanced piece of legislation were the right hon. Member for Norfolk , South ( Mr. MacGregor ) and other interesting names .
3 Nobody will blame me if I say that in the circumstances I became very uneasy .
4 In my message for World Communications Day last year , I mentioned that among the realities we celebrate on this annual occasion are the God-given gifts of speech , of hearing and of sight which make communication possible between us .
5 right up the stairs , the passage and er I noticed that on the stairs not too bad you know , that hardly gets used , er
6 Such writing rapidly palls , and I hope that in the novels to come , Motion can curb his reckless passion for it .
7 Often , we would disturb huge salmon , red-dressed for spawning , and I suspect that during the days of the POW camp , salmon were a frequent supplement to meagre wartime rations .
8 And I believe that with the privileges that come to those who benefit most from the capitalist system there are obligations , and so the combination of that latter thought makes me want to do something about the inner cities , plus a revulsion at waste and hopelessness and dereliction and concern which is self-evident in some of these older towns and cities .
9 I decided that in the circumstances this was not a job that I would entrust anyone else to do , and I motored to Hampstead myself .
10 Mother and I decided that in the interests of hygiene we could not take Father 's body into Chiguana , but must bury him where he lay .
11 In Acts 8 , I saw that for the converts in Samaria , although wonderfully converted and delivered from evil ( v 7 ) and baptised ( v 12 ) , there was still something missing .
12 My main concern is , that I think that over the years , as people have lived longer and as they became retired , we 've tended to neglect them , not so much financially and in terms of their conditions , though I think there 's always arguments about that ; I think we 've actually neglected their role in the community .
13 But most of all , I left because of the men .
14 ‘ I never thought I 'd get the same satisfaction from coaching as from playing , but I have because of the players and the group that has evolved and the atmosphere .
15 ‘ Might I enquire as to the contents of the enigmatic sack ? ’
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