Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And I finally went back to my G P on the seventh day which was a Saturday in the morning , and he told me to carry on taking the drug .
2 That Labour amendment I read out mentioned the airport money .
3 I 'ad ter spin the geezer a tale that I was usin' it ter move a poor family out o' the buildin 's where I live . ’
4 Well I mean either borrowing the money I 'm afraid
5 Yeah I mean just getting the keynote speech from each one would be nice would n't it .
6 And particularly I mean just signing the V Os , because if it 's cocked up , the question 's been asked of me .
7 yeah I mean okay cover the languages to show how they did it properly , so if there is something else you want to bring in then that would be good .
8 I mean fortunately doing the maths
9 I mean actually decentralizing the power , by having groups of Ward Councillors , on an area basis , actually having the power decentralized to them and having open meetings in various parts of the City where you 've got the nine or twelve Councillors from three or four wards who 'd actually have a lot of power delegated to them , and so we would try and put power downwards .
10 I devoted my twenties to my family but I intend now to achieve the career that I never had before .
11 We complete if five degrees nose-down , still hammering along at 250 knots , but I push harder to increase the speed to 3400 , brace my stomach , and ease back until the g-meter reads a steady four .
12 I agreed not to tell the police , and said goodbye .
13 So I was close by and so they sent me in so the way I , I got dressed up in the minister 's cassock , and I got in revised the books of Genesis , like through and I get genned up to be a minister and I took in a bible and er well anyway I killed five men and they got out alive .
14 But when I got back to work the people that was in the observation post on the factory , they saw this aircraft , it came down low over the King George 's playing fields and they could see the markings on it and they 'd sounded the alarm but but course the aircraft went straight over .
15 When we eventually reached the Taj , I bent down to examine the inlay on the tombs more closely .
16 ‘ My partner made the original booking , I know , under our company name , and I phoned yesterday to confirm the apartment .
17 She and I separated ( it was like trying to unpick a mangled shoelace ) and I staggered through to take the call .
18 I stopped outside Quirke the Butcher 's , and noticed with surprise that all the joints of meat were made of wood .
19 But in the end , I learnt how to use the fat of dead animals to make a light .
20 Once the drip was up and the monitor was on I was much less mobile but as I gained confidence I learnt how to put the monitor back on if it stopped working when I moved .
21 I learnt how to change the break pads and a wheel .
22 I woke up to find the doctor lifting me very carefully into my own bed .
23 I must have made thousands over those university years , much to the annoyance of my own family , as I 'd rarely made the effort for them .
24 I 'd rarely seen the place as packed as it was when I got there .
25 So I really wanted to nail the bastard — preferably with the cooperation of my team-mates just to prove the point — but the fucking technology let me down and the gun jammed and he had me pinned , firing shot after shot at me , and finally I gave up trying to un-jam the gun and made to throw it at him though I could hardly see because there was yellow paint all over my visor , but he ducked and tripped and sat down on a trunk , holding his stomach , and the bastard was laughing his socks off because I looked like a giant dripping banana , only I 'd just realised the gun was n't jammed after all , the safety catch was on .
26 Clouds were moving across the far north-west of the landscape as I got to the cave , and I 'd just reached the mouth when the first drops of rain spattered on the stones at my feet .
27 Probably , I do n't know actually it 's really weird it keeps going it went once and I was playing hockey , it was really embarrassing I 'd just played the ball
28 ‘ I 'd just left the Royal Academy , I 'd just got the results of my finals .
29 I 'd rather got the impression that you were coming round to quite enjoying working for me . ’
30 I 'd rather had the people I can survive with one person , one person down
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