Example sentences of "it [vb -s] also [verb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It has also pledged a further £15,000 .
2 It has also refined the Distributed File System to enable it to handle things such as groups of files instead of single lines of files , as well as getting rid of a number of DFS bugs .
3 It has also generated a wide variety of specific , untransferable skills among train crews , signalling staff , maintenance workers and so on .
4 It has also played a central part in promoting management education in Wales : in 1977 it was designated as the Regional Management Centre for the Principality .
5 The demise of an orthodox Marxism may have left theory with a sense that everything is now in flux , that the old verities have gone , but it has also involved the important realization , articulated so forcibly by writers such as Foucault or Said , of the deep articulation of knowledge with power .
6 It has also developed a time-share group of apartments at sea-level — which makes it a very large complex indeed .
7 It has also gained a few floors .
8 It has also granted a hefty wage increase to the park service personnel , though they had to strike to get it .
9 It has also revealed the terrible nostalgia for an era when the rules of democracy were suspended , and instead military rules were in command .
10 Courtaulds ( the international chemical material group ) has applied FRS 3 in producing the half year figures for the six months ended 30 September 1992 ; it has also restated the prior year comparative figures on the same basis .
11 It has also produced the Green Partnership , a 12-step programme implemented by the hotels , which guides them through a series of initiatives to make the properties more environmentally friendly .
12 The chance of it getting the first two letters-ME-right is the chance of it getting the second letter- E-right ( 1 in 27 ) given that it has also got the first letter — M — right , therefore 1/27 x 1/27 , which equals 1/729 .
13 It has also pioneered a two week residential course for returning health visitors which takes place on two separate weeks with time allowed for preparation and consolidation of practice in the interval between component parts ( Table 4.3 ) .
14 It has also underlined the urgent need for sufficient Government funds to pay for a massive recovery programme .
15 It has also meant a greater love for one another as we can share our faith and come face to face with who we are .
16 It has also bred a small publishing empire for Guinness , which brings out 50 reference books including the Guinness Book of Hit Singles and the Guinness Encyclopaedia .
17 Water that has evaporated and condensed in the upper atmosphere , and then falls as rain , should be pure , except for a little carbon dioxide picked up on the way down ( although in fact , these days , it tends also to contain a whole catalogue of pollutants ) .
18 It seems also to have a special magnetism for their children , who look forward to spending all day playing video games until it 's time to try and get served by a barman who does n't notice they are 15 and only four feet ten .
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