Example sentences of "it [vb -s] a [adj] [noun] on " in BNC.

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1 In the UK the AIB keep a very tight control over any CVR read-out since it represents a considerable intrusion on the privacy of the flight crew and , while they insist on using it whenever there is an accident , only the relevant extracts are made known to the public and the official reports contain transcriptions of only those sections which are necessary for a full understanding of the circumstances of the accident .
2 In short it imposes a uniform structure on the universities ( Wissenschaftliche Hochschulen and Kunsthochschulen ) and polytechnics ( Fachhochschulen ) which together with some extras such as teacher and theological training constitute Germany 's current provision for higher education .
3 When the size of this transfer is compared with the volume of similar international transfers between rich and poor countries , it can be seen as being a very considerable effort ; and it imposes a heavy burden on the more advanced regions , especially on Serbia , which has an average social product per head below the Yugoslav average .
4 Like Scotland it has a traditional reliance on textiles and alcoholic drinks — 20,000 people work in Beaujolais production alone .
5 It has a strong emphasis on specific objectives ( related to a number of vocational choices to be made by the students themselves ) , to cross-curricular skills and to profile-reporting on progress .
6 But no well sometimes it has a reverse effect on people .
7 It has a spectacular position on the coast and a 10 minutes walk down a steep drive and across a pebble beach will bring you to the town centre of Lipari .
8 The Phaistos temple rivals the Knossos temple in splendour ; although it is smaller and seems , to judge from the remains , to have been decorated less lavishly , it has a spectacular location on a precipitous hilltop offering views across the Mesara Plain to the east and south-east and to Mount Ida in the north .
9 But it has a strange effect on the tutor .
10 The Labour party 's policy is , ’ If it has a European label on it , buy it , even if it is worthless ; but if it is the British national interest , sell it , even if it is valuable . ’
11 Information is relevant when it has a significant effect on our assumptions : in other words , when it will allow us to alter our knowledge structures to give us a more accurate representation of the world .
12 For a start the required reduction in the price level may have to be very large indeed before it has a significant impact on aggregate spending .
13 On my model it has a red knob on it .
14 Having made the somewhat contentious statement on Caribbean parents ' distorted appreciation of their function in relation to their children 's formal education , I am left to qualify and substantiate , particularly as it has a weighty bearing on the general argument of the entire book .
15 Its power is formidable and it has a direct effect on the fertility of crops and mankind — witness statues of jaguars coupling with women as a means of ensuring the tribe 's continuity .
16 It has a direct impact on our growth as persons , happy or unhappy .
17 It depends a good deal on the bulk and ‘ fillability ’ of the food , of course .
18 It marks a decisive shift on the part of the Sri Lankan government to sacrifice self-reliance for the possibility of increased foreign revenues .
19 As magma rises towards the surface it exerts a considerable pressure on the overlying rock .
20 It dangles a luminous lure on the end of a rod sticking out from its head , and any animals attracted by the bait are engulfed in its huge mouth .
21 It keeps a careful eye on stock control to make sure that inventories are maintained at ‘ sensible levels ’ .
22 Some workshops use white plastic off the roll so that it forms a plain background on which the constructor can sketch with a marker-pen .
23 It creates a hidden file on your hard disk which fools DOS into thinking it 's a real disk drive .
24 The natural ecosystem is relatively closed and comprises self-regulating cycles , however the urban-industrial ecosystem is open to large imports of foreign material and toxins and unless we add detoxification and recycling processes it creates a disturbing influence on the biosphere .
25 When a worker bee arrives back in the hive after visiting a newly opened honey-laden flower , it performs a special dance on the landing platform in front of the entrance to the colony .
26 Snowy white in plumage , with a black beak and large jet black eyes , it lays a single egg on the bare branch of a tree , choosing a little hollow or crack in the bark so that the egg does n't roll off .
27 Tame and confiding , fairy terns have been known to nest on the rafter beams in some of the chalets occupied by tourists — it puts a new slant on having ‘ problems with your overheads ’ !
28 It puts a different light on things .
29 It proposes a two-year ban on exports of toxic waste while the new technologies are being tested .
30 The particular relevance of that paper is that it provides a multi-disciplinary perspective on special needs and the under-fives , and a major theme pervading the NARE conference talk was the need to evolve policies of collective responsibility in the development of services to meet special needs of children under five , given the context that pre-school education is not statutory .
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