Example sentences of "it [vb -s] at a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It had been discovered in the eighteenth century that light does not travel instantaneously from source to observer ; rather , it goes at a certain speed , about 186,000 miles ( 300,000 kilometers ) a second .
2 Unfortunately it must be said that in binoculars ( or , for that matter , in most telescopes ) it is disappointing , because it lies at a narrow angle to us and the full beauty of the spiral is lost .
3 For a continuously varying trait ( let us use human size as an example ) , the value of the trait in an individual is probably determined by what genes it has at a large number of genetic loci , together with the effect of the environment .
4 It arrives at a different time from the rest of the mail .
5 The migrating cells may be made up of a mixture of all the different cell types in immature form , that go to all the sites and a particular type survives only if it arrives at an appropriate site — a sort of cell selection .
6 Obtaining office copy entries ( as opposed to furnishing merely a copy of the registered title ) is advisable as it reveals at an early stage whether or not there is a second charge which may not have been disclosed to the husband 's solicitors .
7 There is an alternative route which is longer and involves slightly more climbing , but it stays at a lower level , never rising higher than 1,600ft .
8 The difficulty with this anemone is that once established it reproduces at a tremendous rate and literally swamps the aquarium with large numbers of offspring .
9 That year the Museum began founding bronzes from the unpublished casts , which it keeps at a secret location somewhere in France .
10 Listen to a car passing on the road : as the car is approaching , its engine sounds at a higher pitch ( corresponding to a higher frequency of sound waves ) , and when it passes and goes away , it sounds at a lower pitch .
11 Ultimately , of course , whether a cause is held to be direct or indirect is a statement about the state of scientific knowledge at the time ; while one variable may provide an illuminating explanation for a puzzle at one point in time , it is likely to provoke further questions about how it operates at a later date .
12 Unlike offices , the level of income fluctuates although sometimes over a longer period it fluctuates at a higher level than commercial .
13 Most surveys show that a basket of food still costs a bit less at a supermarket than it does at an independent grocer 's ; but The Economist did not find that this week .
14 Death is a tragedy ( ! ) and whether it strikes at an eight-year-old youngster 3. ) or a senile old man , a scar is always left on one 4. ) of the survivors — a scar that does not heal quickly .
15 It works at a warm temperature and vigorously turns the sugars in the wort into alcohol and carbon dioxide , producing at the same time ripe fruity aromas that add to the pleasure of ale drinking .
16 Carbon 14 is a radioactive isotope of carbon that is absorbed by all living things ; the proportion of carbon 14 to other isotopes of carbon remains constant , but when something dies , the carbon 14 in it decays at a known rate , while the other isotopes stay the same .
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