Example sentences of "it [vb -s] the [adj] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 It goes the opposite way to this .
2 It represents the logical conclusion to preceding buildings and is the expression of national culture ; it stands for the essence of Muscovite Christianity in Russia and was the last great church of the movement in this architectural form .
3 It exposes the grim underbelly to the sentimental images captured by the town 's celebrated photographer Frank Sutcliffe .
4 However , keep , paint , leave , produce , drink do not support subordinate clauses ; and , while they can be followed by the same sequence of noun phrase + adjective , the adjective is not clausal in their case but a predicate qualifier , and it shows the other characteristics to be expected of a predicate qualifier .
5 Labov 's interpretation of this irregularity is that it shows the Lower-middle class to be instrumental in diffusing a change throughout the speech community by adopting and emulating what is in fact an innovatory pattern introduced by a higher-status group ( Labov 1972a : 122 ) .
6 It shows the marginal benefit to the individual .
7 It seems the best way to be .
8 Next turning south , it ascends the wooded approaches to the attractive Hasli valley which becomes barer and wilder in the ascent .
9 It attributes the speedy exit to having its reorganisation plan in order and the cooperation of its creditors who are apparently agreed on a collections moratorium .
10 Communication is not achieved by putting something that means — one thing to us in front of someone else and hoping that it means the same thing to that other person .
11 Parliament , too , has to keep its working methods under review to make sure it attracts the best people to the service of their country and uses their talents to best effect .
12 Conservative MP Warren Hawksley says it gives the wrong message to young people .
13 I do n't think we ought to provide it because that just means it gives the wrong impression to the officers I have to say .
14 It gives the brief papers to a conference on problem adolescents , held after a five year exchange of child care policy makers , practitioners and researchers from England and the Carolinas .
15 The JDS 's decision and the delay in making it has had serious repercussions for the profession , following as it does the unpopular decision to fine two Polly Peck administrators only £1,000 each ( the maximum possible at the time of the offence ) over conflicts of interest .
16 Now in paperback ( and even bigger ) , this lovingly-detailed history of punk from Malcolm and Vivienne 's art-school antics to Sid 's suicide may drift into occasional pomposity , but it remains the definitive guide to the spirit of '76 .
17 Its function is similar to the one found on table-top video machines , that is it enables the recorded picture to be replayed over the viewfinder both forwards and in reverse at a fast speed so that particular points on the tape can be located quickly .
18 I i i it runs the opposite way to this .
19 I can not believe that many members of the public believe that that is justice , or that it conveys the right message to those who , tonight , will steal a car and race it in the path of some other innocent victim .
20 It provides the main resistance to the sideways forces of the sail .
21 As the particle is frosted with droplets of supercooled water , it begins the six-mile plunge to Earth .
22 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
23 After a few days of wing stretching and flapping outside the burrow , it makes the perilous trip to the edge of the cliff .
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