Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [pers pn] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 That is why it disgusts me to see the nobility of grief caricatured in this way .
2 The Serb minority in Kosovo has a monopoly of the local firepower , and it uses it to intimidate the Albanians .
3 It allows me to savour the end of the conflict , to enjoy it in a way I could not have done if it had really happened , that is if a few words had been exchanged , spoken with difficulty through the barbed-wire taboos that separate people in so-called intimate relationships .
4 And and I think that 's why this particular policy is very important to the Selby district because it allows us to address the balance between meeting what I would call the justifiable development but also the equally important environmental consideration .
5 Just write the minus two all the way across there cos it allows you to do the calculation much easier rather than trying to remember it .
6 This is presumably because it allows you to explore the knowledge contained therein .
7 Spooler=yes : When set to ‘ yes ’ it allows you to use the Print Manager .
8 This is what Illustrator achieves and then it allows you to modify the results .
9 It allows you to adjust the carburettor heat to prevent induction icing .
10 It hurts me to see the team so low in the table .
11 It is effective against the evolution-plus-natural-selection myth , because it forces us to reconstruct the narrative of his subsequent theorizing not as so many unknowing steps towards his final positions , but as so many deliberate departures from positions initially shared with his mentor .
12 This process of filtering and condensing is both practical and intellectually useful since it forces you to reduce the bulk of words and yet preserve the essential meaning of the text .
13 This is undoubtedly an important exercise for it leads us to reconsider the validity of official criminal statistics and the more extreme pronouncements made directly and uncritically from them .
14 Parents love each child , and it grieves them to witness the hitting , hurting and hateful things said to each other .
15 Erm , I think that the things that are important about this form in that it asks you to define the purpose of a meeting as opposed to or as distinct from the agenda .
16 It helps them to follow the scene in their high-speed world , and so track the rapid movements of predators of prey .
17 What I can say , however , is that the constructivist position allows a distinctive analysis of the ‘ mental ’ when we speak of a ‘ mental representation of a green patch ’ : it helps us to understand the difference between mental representations and the non-mental variety ( a photograph for example ) .
18 Answer yes or no to the statements below and see If it helps you to uncover the reasons for your family relationships — be they bad or good .
19 It helps you to understand the system , covers controversial subjects , such as admissions and exclusions , and gives a clear guide to parents ' ( and children 's ) rights .
20 With a choice we work perceptually on the alternatives to see if we can make one so attractive that it attracts us to ignore the others ; or we try to make the alternatives so unattractive that we can dismiss them one by one .
21 It urges him to safeguard the Highbury tradition and not turn the stadium into a middle class mausoleum .
22 In practice , some States ( including the United Kingdom and the United States ) always return the documents through their Central Authorities because it enables them to monitor the implementation of the Convention .
23 It has attracted the interest of physiological psychologists because it enables them to study the operations of one cerebral hemisphere , isolated from input from the other .
24 At all events , it enables her to explore the danger that shoots through many childhoods : the fear of losing mother or father , the conflict we often endure as we hear their exasperated voices arguing above our heads or while we are in bed .
25 It is particularly useful for the retailer , since it enables her to see the pattern of past sales .
26 Freud 's model of the collective evolution of some parts of humanity from archaic responses , found in religions , to more rational and reality-based responses , found in science and technology , may be little more than a description of what has happened , but it enables him to avoid the position of cultural relativism and its logical extension — nihilism .
27 It has this name because it enables you to alter the order of slides — you just drag them to their required positions .
28 This is a purely simplifying assumption : it enables us to see the role played by taxes in the model , but at the same time the analysis is kept simple .
29 It enables us to remember the cards that have been played in a hand of bridge , the objects on a tray in the game of pelmanism , or reading a meter and recording the result ( see Fig. 5.1 ) .
30 Such a discussion is essential since it enables us to judge the degree to which the successful conduct of monetary policy can influence economic activity and thereby achieve economic objectives .
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