Example sentences of "it [vb -s] [adv] [to-vb] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Shortly before Christmas and in the middle of correcting the proofs , he wrote to Rohde again : " The whole last part , which you do not know , will certainly astonish you ; I have been very daring , and I can cry out to myself in an altogether enormous sense , animam salvavi [ I have saved my soul ] ; for which reason I think of the book with great satisfaction and am not worried for it turns out to cause the greatest possible offence and in some quarters a " cry of outrage " greets its publication .
2 Although it has yet to displace the older established metal in western sentiment , court jewellers have for some time been using platinum as a more appropriate setting for diamonds than gold .
3 The Royal Horticultural Society ( RHS ) has made clear that it has yet to develop a conservation policy and will continue to give awards for plants collected in the wild .
4 It is one of the remarkable features of the Bible that it contains enough to occupy the greatest intellects for a lifetime , and yet the simplest soul can read and understand , and in reading with an obedient heart find God himself .
5 It becomes increasingly ill at ease until eventually the din and the intrusions become too much for it and it flaps off to find a quieter spot somewhere else .
6 Water that has evaporated and condensed in the upper atmosphere , and then falls as rain , should be pure , except for a little carbon dioxide picked up on the way down ( although in fact , these days , it tends also to contain a whole catalogue of pollutants ) .
7 In reality , the state must be conceived of as an ‘ educator ’ , in as much as it tends precisely to create a new type of civilisation … .
8 ‘ This case is different because it appears not to involve the usual criminal fraternity .
9 It seems also to have a special magnetism for their children , who look forward to spending all day playing video games until it 's time to try and get served by a barman who does n't notice they are 15 and only four feet ten .
10 LAMBS for live export could pose the biggest problem for the Scottish sheep industry as it sets out to establish a European Community approved national identification scheme before the July 1994 deadline .
11 It sets out to cover the normal stages of language development between the ages of 1 and 5 years , although it is intended principally as a clinical tool for children with delayed and deviant language .
12 If this condition is satisfied , then it remains only to integrate the subsidiary equations in the form ( 10.3 ) or ( 10.63 ) to obtain the remaining metric function S or M .
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