Example sentences of "it [was/were] [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If it were to happen in a few year 's time when we have the lottery money , then I think the Sutherland Collection Collection is something that anybody concerned with heritage should make the highest possible priority .
2 I 'll get Annunziata to keep something hot in the kitchen and then if you 'd rather not be bothered with us tonight , you can have it there — or in bed , if that would be better , ’ said Julia , her heart feeling as though it were held in a tightening vice as she saw his misery .
3 This happened in New England over religious issues ; it was to happen in a great many other places , usually for less solemn reasons , over the next three centuries .
4 It was illustrated in a 15th century manuscript , and Gerard referred to it as being useful for preserving the eyesight ; Culpeper advised its use for those " that are bit with serpents or have eat … mushrooms " .
5 it was done in a very un-run way , because the notice , the notice was , was er it 'd be up about a couple of days and then it 'd come down , you see , so it did n't give anybody a lot of chance , but anyway now it 's been passed you see it goes ahead and that 's all there is to it , he , he has n't start doing it yet but
6 Parliament was re-opened on July 27 , one year after it was damaged in a six-day siege during a coup attempt [ see pp. 37606-07 ] .
7 It was cut in a trendier style , worn longer than it would have been , but its shape still reminded one of all those gruff but infinitely reliable heroes .
8 It was covered in a white cloth ; there were some flowers , plates , the metal things that Marcus picks his food up with , sparkling glasses .
9 The first part of the manuscript , under an early title ‘ Too late beloved ’ , was rejected as unsuitable by Tillotson and Son — with whom a fee of a thousand guineas had already been agreed — by Murray and by Macmillan , before it was accepted in a revised form for serialisation in The Graphic .
10 In seeking an answer to this question one can not but be influenced by a thought expressed by Lamont J. , speaking for the majority of the Supreme Court of Canada in Montreal Tramways v. Leveille where , for the first time , it was accepted in a superior court that an infant plaintiff should be able after birth to recover damages for pre-natal injuries .
11 It was cashing in a spectacular consumer boom .
12 It was formed in a small oblong , one side rounded , the other almost straight .
13 It was situated in a post-war housing estate on the outskirts of Greenock and suffered from the same sort of social and economic problems found in the working class communities elsewhere .
14 It was announced in a joint press statement that Japan would increase its assistance to Laos in various fields , including forestry , communication and transport , and hydroelectricity , and a memorandum signed by officials on the same day provided additional Japanese aid worth 400,000,000 yen ( approximately $2,800,000 ) for agricultural projects .
15 It was written in a frantic one month burst and sounded hurried on first hearing .
16 It was written in a strange , pointed handwriting and signed ‘ Edward Hyde ’ .
17 It was written in a sprawling hand that was difficult to read .
18 It was written in a careful script , meticulously spaced : ‘ A New System of Numerology by Francis Garland . ’
19 ‘ They write this stuff for office workers , ’ Carmichael complains , peering at the newsprint as if it was written in a foreign language .
20 George felt uncomfortable at this declaration , especially as it was made in a steady and unemotional voice , far removed from the previous frantic outburst on the day she had left the farm .
21 Lewis 's maiden Test hundred in Madras was down-graded critically because it was made in a losing cause in England 's second innings .
22 In the end , it was revealed in a brief letter to A Quarterly that in the view of the Society — and I will try and quote accurately from memory — ‘ the most crucial criterion is that the applicant be possessed of a dignity in keeping with his position .
23 But Mr Dorrell said : ‘ There is no secret about the fact that the Treasury announced last summer it was engaged in a fundamental review of not just health expenditure but four other areas of Government spending to ensure that the way the money is spend reflects today 's priorities . ’
24 Although it was said in a jocular fashion it was too much for Maura .
25 This time it was discovered in a brown envelope at the foot of a box .
26 It was presented in a further long meeting , going on well into the early hours of the morning , when George Elvin , having conferred with several of his senior colleagues on my telephone , returned to say that they would accept the proposal .
27 RBIC head office was originally in Edinburgh but early last year it was relocated in a refurbished office block at 152 West Regent Street , Glasgow .
28 This was because it was acting in a public capacity .
29 The iron hand had burst from the velvet glove in unmistakable fashion , and what was more , it was grasped in a congratulatory handshake by large numbers of Englishmen , both in India and in Britain itself .
30 We got all the relevant information , but it was delivered in a businesslike manner .
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