Example sentences of "it [vb mod] well [be] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 On the one hand , it may well be felt that an old person 's wish to stay with a carer should be respected unless their mental state is so gravely impaired that they literally do not know what they are doing .
2 If , for example , the driver 's national insurance contributions are paid partly by the haulier it may well be presumed that the driver is an employee .
3 It may well be argued that the government was able to defeat the General Strike by its propaganda campaigns , the arrest of Communist activists , the use of volunteers and by sheer patience , in allowing the General Council 's Negotiating Committee to spend several futile days negotiating the Samuel Memorandum in the hope that it would provide a basis for a settlement .
4 It may well be said that the patriarchal understanding of what it means to be male is abandoned .
5 It may well be accepted that a person who is deported should have greater protection than one who is refused entry , or that a person whose permit has expired has a lesser interest than one whose permit is revoked .
6 The idea was to move away from an elitist and centralist view of things , yet it was to be a long time before such changes were implemented in the Government 's media , and it might well be argued that they have not progressed very far to this day .
7 Of course , watching or half-watching a debate is not the same thing as taking part in one , and it might well be argued that level or style of participation does not demand enough of the individual citizen .
8 It might well be argued that a genuine contributor would be prepared to write or share his or her experiences without monetary reward .
9 It might well be argued that the USM , now containing some 900 companies with a market capitalisation of less than £50m , has long outlived it usefulness .
10 In addition to the consumption of resources by the Contra war , it might well be expected that military invasion would harden government attitudes towards those whose actions were deemed anti-social or anti-government .
11 But it might well be thought that if a procession has been regularly held even for such a comparatively short period of time , the police are aware that it is likely to take place , and it is therefore outside the rationale behind the advance notification requirement .
12 The baby can certainly suffer complications if deprived of mother 's milk and it might well be claimed that talk of its missing its mother is a special language-game pointing only to the source of the deprivation , but Singer is certainly not using the phrase with this in mind .
13 Too simple a judgment perhaps : it might better be said that , manifested as the Consumers ' Movement , Co-operation had become an alternative presentation of the rights of ownership against the rights of labour , while trade unionism existed to assert the rights of labour against those of ownership .
14 From this it could well be said that life motivation stems from the perpetual satisfaction of recurring desire .
15 It could well be said that once the ‘ feel ’ of control is acquired then all you need is practice , and just like riding the bicycle , all the arm movements become a spontaneous impulse.But life is n't that easy , and in our experience , the ‘ prangs ’ have to be suffered before the ‘ knack ’ of dexterous control is accomplished .
16 Indeed , it could well be argued that He alone truly fits the description ‘ God ’ .
17 It could well be argued that inasmuch as there is a relationship between the second person of the trinity and the male human being Jesus , God becomes relatively more anthropomorphized , so appearing more masculine .
18 It could well be argued that both " Balak " and " Aram " in line A are more specific or precise than their counterparts in line B , " the king of Moab " and " the Eastern Hills " , because they use proper names for identification .
19 It could well be argued that the committee under-played the ideological differences that exist between such approaches to the curriculum ( an issue we shall return to later ) .
20 Now it could well be argued that the very object of judicial scrutiny is to force the bureaucracy to consider a broader range of policy choices ; that the courts ' role is precisely to ‘ redress ’ the tendency of officials to adopt a very narrow bounded rationality which thereby forecloses policy choices .
21 If the matter were investigated deeply enough it could well be established that the pressure required to civilise a human being , and thereby generate a conscience , increases enormously as the time from the birth to the start of the process lengthens .
22 In fact it can well be argued that basically there are only two concepts — rocks and time — with the rest just an obfuscation of the nomenclature .
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