Example sentences of "it [vb mod] only [be] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Physical restraint may be used as a defence against potential or escalating violence but it should only be employed if there is a reasonable chance of success .
2 Ian Whelpton technical manager to Clynol , who manufacture perms , believes it should only be permed when twisted and wound around a rod .
3 Really V A T's , I think , and I think it should only be paid when it , when the invoices
4 It could only be assumed that the prints were obtained in a clandestine manner .
5 But it could only be done if there was this general agreement about the direction in which democracy in Britain should develop and about the role which Parliament should play .
6 The ballistic expert 's evidence was that the defendant 's gun was fitted with a hammer block safety mechanism , which was in proper working order , so that it could only be fired if the trigger was fully pressed back .
7 It could only be hoped that the mooring-ropes were in better case than the anchors .
8 It could only be concluded that the cause of the intense eye irritation was in some way related to vehicle exhaust emissions .
9 This treatment was of no use for aeroplanes because it could only be used when the component was small enough for the formalin to penetrate .
10 Some of the office rooms were comfortable enough in their way — far more so , indeed , than those in the new building — still , they were most inconveniently arranged , in proof of which it need only be mentioned that the Secretary of State in going from his own room to the Cabinet Room had to pass through two rooms occupied by other persons .
11 It would only be prevented if the Home Office intervened . ’
12 In Dudley ( W. Midlands ) , where a large proportion of land was privately owned , the Department of the Environment insisted that if enterprise-zone designation was to go ahead , it would only be approved if private-sector land was first sold to the local authority before a certain date .
13 The government insists that it will only be restarted if it passes stringent safety tests , and that a technical council composed of Russian , American , French and German experts will oversee its operation .
14 Putting it simply , it will only be beaten if public taste demands so .
15 It will only be ordered if the purchaser and vendor are capable of being returned to the position they were in before the sale agreement was executed .
16 There 's no reason for the door to stay shut for good over that flying incident , but it will only be opened if he wants it enough . ’
17 A four-man panel imposed the heaviest fine in their power — but it will only be paid if Surrey 's bowlers are involved in another incident within two years .
18 It can only be activated when a false statement actually damages a reputation .
19 How much of a threat this posed to those drapers who themselves furnished funerals is not recorded , but as none appear to have taken legal action , it can only be assumed that they too had dealings with these manufacturers whilst continuing to offer a funeral service to the general public .
20 Since this was also a period of great affluence , it can only be assumed that the wealthy customers who commissioned the Kamares cups — aristocrats and priestesses among them — could now afford cups of precious metal instead .
21 It can only be met if zonal governments connect through all-planetary councils .
22 One problem with the above test of a set of restrictions is that , strictly , it can only be applied when the model is linear and the restrictions themselves are linear .
23 It is like expert power in that it can only be exercised if others recognise and accept it .
24 Due to its size , it can only be handled and converted by merchants with large enough bandsaws .
25 It can only be hoped that the newly aggressive financial players of the Thatcher era manage to avoid the same errors .
26 It is doubtful whether the unfortunates impounded in the Lazzaretto had time to concern themselves with the aesthetic niceties of the building , and it can only be hoped that the church offered them some spiritual comfort .
27 It can only be hoped that , should the book go to a second edition , the publishers will make time to consult properly and correct the errors .
28 Whilst these changes pose a formidable challenge to exporters , it can only be hoped that the response they evoke will be conducive to the well-being and prosperity of all .
29 As a source of power , it can only be claimed and used if others recognise and accept it as a source of power .
30 Even in the simplest case , the lump sum target , it can only be shown that the target can be used to improve welfare under the assumptions that E is neutral in its effect on production and that there are non-decreasing returns to scale .
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