Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [not/n't] be [verb] and " in BNC.

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1 Your solicitor , during the course of making enquiries about the home you are going to buy , may not uncover a right of way because it may not be registered and the present occupant of the property may not be aware that there is a legal right .
2 Oh it should n't be allowed and director ca n't walk through the company .
3 I will argue , in this paper that , although valuable information is currently being lost to history , it need not and it should not be lost and the time has come to prevent it .
4 It could not be called and therefore it falls .
5 After all , one of the most important lessons of the sociological inquiries was to teach that demoralization was organic ; it could not be confined and , therefore , all groups within the working class were at risk .
6 When she pointed out this might mean she would be on her own yet again throughout another summer he shrugged and said it could not be helped and he had no choice .
7 The short cloak had three advantages over the coat : it need not be tailored and so was available ‘ off the peg ’ ; it was more fashionable ; and it allowed unhindered access to the sword .
8 And then some NATO aircraft too , of course , we 're in Great Britain , so it would n't be fitting and proper if we did not have any of the aircraft from the Royal Air force .
9 I knew it would n't be cut and dried vs Man City so I was pleased with the result .
10 It will not be increased and will close 21 days from the date of posting the offer document unless it has become or declared unconditional as to acceptances .
11 Place the cage where it will not be disturbed and where direct sunlight can not fall on it .
12 It 's all well concealed and unless the auditor has an obligation to actually hunt this down , the kind of white hunter er er of the British economy er then er it wo n't be detected and the passive approach to audit such as the er audit practices board is recommending is simply a recipe for further disasters er and further audit failures .
13 It can not be prescribed and controlled .
14 The police and the Government can be proud of the police national computer because it fights crime , but it is important that they offer assurance to the general public that it can not be misused and does result in people being dealt with differently .
15 Most experts agree that it can not be done and that the poll tax will live on until 1994 .
16 Ireland may one day be a united nation , but it can not be done and should not be done from London .
17 The duty is personal as it can not be delegated and is discharged by the exercise of due skill and care .
18 The DC identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and will need to be supplied in all future references to this DC .
19 The SPR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SPR .
20 The SSR identifier will be displayed on the screen , and careful note should be taken of it , as it can not be altered and must be supplied in all future references to this SSR .
21 They also heard the chairman of the STUC energy committee , Harry McLevy , spell out the grounds for continued investment , arguing that the case for nuclear power is so big it can not be ignored and must be incorporated into any energy policy for Scotland. ,
22 It can not be recharged and must be thrown away after use .
23 It can not be sold and will cost the company £500 to dispose of it if it is not used to produce Abrasive .
24 Blame becomes indiscriminate when it can not be focused and seen in context , and it is black people who are the ones to suffer most in this situation .
25 After all , oil has little value if it can not be produced and sold .
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