Example sentences of "it [vb mod] [adv] [be] used [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This property has recently undergone considerable restoration and it is hoped that wooden rails will once again adorn the gallery and that it may again be used by the mistress of the house , who is a spinner .
2 A bill of sale is commonly used as a means of mortgaging goods ( see p. 105 ) , but it may also be used as an out-and-out conveyance .
3 The life-history reminds us that we are always talking , in the end , about people , and this makes it a favoured research tool of the ethnographic researcher , though it may also be used as an initial guide for ‘ opening up ’ almost any area of research .
4 Be that as it may , the limitation by reference to Article 36 means that Article 100A(4) can not be used , for example , to protect consumers , although it may be used to protect health , and the specific reference to the environment means that it may also be used in that context .
5 The statute occasionally provides in so many terms that the information may be used in evidence ; sometimes that it may not be used for certain purposes , inferentially permitting its use for others ; or it may be expressly prescribed that the evidence is not to be admitted ; or again , the statute may be silent .
6 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
7 It may simply be used as a taunt which is deemed provocative and so portrayed as one of several triggering actions for the killing .
8 Once sheep is acquired , for instance , the word dog is no longer over-extended to sheep , even though it may still be used for other kinds of mammals ( Clark , 1973a , 1978 ; Barrett , 1978 ) .
9 If ROI is a relatively unimportant part of this reward system , it may then be used as a very useful diagnostic tool by which to assess operating performance .
10 Later it may possibly be used in ordinary conversation , but again quiet circumstances avoid interference from the background noise .
11 The order to use Saddam 's cash was made by the UN Security Council which insisted it should also be used for reparations to Kuwait .
12 The tablet is orange flavoured , sugar free and chewable so it is suitable for children , although it should not be used for infants under 2 years of age .
13 It should not be used without reference to that commentary .
14 It should not be used without reference to that commentary .
15 ‘ But it should not be used as a pretext to exclude 12- or 13-year-old girls from school when it is precisely these secular schools that should offer them the opportunity to learn , grow and make their own choices . ’
16 . We are clear that it should not be used as a punishment or as a deterrent , and we think that there should always be an alternative task available for men for whom stone-breaking is unsuitable . ’
17 Gandhi claims that it can not be used in an unjust cause but what he might mean is that it should not be used in an unjust cause .
18 But the ‘ unique ’ circumstances of the deaths meant ‘ it should not be used in paediatric intensive care ’ until further information was available .
19 This type of stretching can clearly be dangerous if done before exercise when the muscles are cold , and so it should only be used at the end of a training session .
20 The procedure is often of great value , but it 's suggested that for two reasons it should only be used in urgent cases — both out of consideration for Land Registry staff , and to avoid the possibility of their being swamped by too many such applications , resulting in delay , which would defeat the whole purpose of the operation .
21 Emergency contraception sometimes called ‘ the morning after pill ’ may protect you against pregnancy if you have had sexual intercourse without contraception or if you think that the method you have used may not have worked — but it should never be used as a regular method of family planning .
22 Recent US studies of the IUD warn that it should never be used on women who intend to have children because of the danger of permanent sterility .
23 It should always be used with definite intention — never mechanically added to the ensemble without consciously imagining its effect .
24 It should always be used for calculations involving temperature .
25 As Dr Bennett , an expert on ovarian and uterine diseases , put it , because of the influence it would have on the character of English women ‘ it must not be used for virgins ’ .
26 It must never be used as a quick fix , but only as part of a dedicated care programme .
27 It must only be used as a last resort . ’
28 The Logger 's already been adopted by most private operators and the manufacturers hope it 'll eventually be used by Council and Government watchdogs as well .
29 It could also be used as a means of overcoming excessively long waiting lists in some areas .
30 It could also be used as a map .
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