Example sentences of "it [adv] [vb -s] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It rather depends on the part , does n't it ? ’ said Dotty .
2 It rather depends on the gentleman 's personal financial circumstances , and I would n't want to rehearse those on the air .
3 It effectively cuts off the land the open agricultural land from these two fields and therefore visually it makes the paddock more part of Skelton Village .
4 That said , it only remains for the Committee to thank all those who came .
5 The latter requirement means that component molecules of each species can interchange positions without altering the total energy of the system , i.e. and consequently it only remains for the entropy contribution ΔS M to be calculated .
6 It only differs from the category 1 species in the greater frequency of occurrence of digestion .
7 It only learns at the end of a search .
8 It only works in the direction in which it 's throwing the ions .
9 The money supply is of no intrinsic significance : it only matters to the extent that it may be manipulated in such a way as to achieve other intermediate objectives of macroeconomic policy such as interest rate or exchange rate stability .
10 Incredibly , impersonation of this sort to get hold of data is not a criminal offense , in this country there is no law as such which makes it illegal to steal information , and the main piece of legislation , the Data Protection Act contains a massive loophole , it only applies to the holders of information not to third parties trying to get their hands on it .
11 Although it only appears in the sources c.1200 this may not be significant , for the chronicler does not refer to Eadric as Streona or to Edmund as Ironside , but there is eleventh-century evidence for both names .
12 Contrary to the suggestion in para 18/8/10 of the 1993 White Book , it has been held that a claim for interest under s35A is sufficiently pleaded even if it only appears in the prayer and not also in the body of the pleading ( McDonald 's Hamburgers Ltd v Burgerking ( UK ) Ltd [ 1987 ] FSR 112 ) .
13 It so happens with the weather changing I bought a new windcheater and also a beret this morning .
14 You know his laws in parc you know sort of in practice , but we 'll , we 'll sit here and watch that pen until it suddenly jumps off the table .
15 It naturally combines with the view that individuals should develop freely to find for themselves the form of the good which they wish to pursue in their life .
16 Well it 's a very specialized boat in a sense , I mean it goes on the surface of the water and it literally goes on the surface of the water , it 's a hovercraft is a sort of a it 's a vessel which has got a skirt all round it
17 Also , the intonation screws are too long ; on the bottom E , the screw is so long that it literally digs into the string .
18 It merely adds to the deprivation in the world .
19 The third is the possibility , suggested also by Katib Celebi 's account of the office and supported to some degree by several contemporary documents , that there may have been a separate official muftilik of Edirne during the period : unfortunately , so shadowy is the evidence for its existence that as matters now stand it merely adds to the confusion , though could the facts about it be discovered , they might go some way toward resolving some of the problems in this vexed period .
20 Marking the error with a symbol like sp or s without also giving the correct version of the word , is unproductive , because it merely demonstrates to the pupil that he has " failed " , without showing him how to improve .
21 THE SMALL £5 in the corner ( as in pay no more than ) is a good introduction to Sofa Head 's second album , and inside it shrewdly builds on the foundations set by last year 's ‘ Pre Marital Yodelling ’ .
22 THE SMALL £5 in the corner ( as in pay no more than ) is a good introduction to Sofa Head 's second album , and inside it shrewdly builds on the foundations set by last year 's ‘ Pre Marital Yodelling ’ .
23 Always throw away broken toys and do n't give them to others — it just passes on the risk of accidents to someone else .
24 One hundred and eighteen for three , which means thirty-nine runs added in the first hour today and it 's Tufnell coming up now to bowl , DaSilva , up he comes , bowls this one , DaSilva pushes forward and it just goes under the bat and fielded there by the wicketkeeper , no run .
25 Yeah , it just goes to the bottom of the pack , but erm there 's numbers up there , you 've got ta collect them to spell out sex maniac
26 ‘ I 've played in pictures like The Gauntlet where the woman is the smarter of the two people , it just depends on the project , ’ he says in his sole reference to 43-year-old Sondra , who co-starred in six films with him .
27 ‘ I 'm a traditionalist at heart and do n't bother with the padding either because it just gets in the way . ’
28 She does , and then it just fades into the background she will have to go if she needs to get bread and milk and things tomorrow I 'll have to take her .
29 If it just flies by the compass , it will show an equivalent displacement from its goal ; if it can navigate it will reach its goal despite the displacement .
30 it just says on the book weekdays only .
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