Example sentences of "it [vb past] [be] [verb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The earthenwares it produced were marked in several ways .
2 The convention which it produced was signed by 119 delegations but the problems which caused the conference to drag on for so long are anything but solved .
3 And then maybe after it 'd been cut for two days , you were sent out to turn the swathes , up all you went along and you turned them and turned them .
4 Adjusting frontiers is historically enormously difficult , there may be two or three very clear cases in the Soviet Union when it came be done without much dispute by general agreement , but on the whole I reckon that observation of human rights is the way to approach this , and then of course the er growth of economic prosperity if it comes will actually help to ease these problems .
5 Well the people that done it did n't get caught but the corridor on which it happened was fined for all the equipment .
6 Most of the ‘ congregation ’ [ he said it in such a way that it merited being put in inverted commas ] do not know how to behave , when to stand or kneel , how to express their grief .
7 The simplified and more rational legal framework that it introduced is unified by some powerful principles that speak to those issues .
8 Normally used as a storeroom-cum-gallery , it had been cleared of extraneous clutter .
9 It took Donna a moment or two to realize that it had been activated by some kind of electric eye .
10 Mr Roberts said the company 's performance during the year was sound , particularly as it had been achieved without any significant price increases .
11 It had been written on 8 June , and he said quite clearly that it would be his last ‘ until I see you again ’ .
12 The Lord of the Rings would have offered fewer hostages to criticism if it had been written like that .
13 ‘ If it had been built in one go , ’ he claimed , demonstrating with a model and bucket of clay , ‘ it would have fallen over . ’
14 It was a large , tall , four storeyed building , on one of the steep hillsides of Highgate ; it had been built in 1720 , but was deceptively flanked by scrappy houses and miscellaneous buildings of mixed and later dates , so that its lonely eminence had an air of somewhat tragic survival .
15 It had been built in 1876 and consisted of a whole succession of low-roofed , dormer-windowed , gabled buildings .
16 In 1987 the Long Gilt future accounted for more than half the trades on LIFFE but , while still trading strongly , it had been relegated to third place by 1990 , having been outstripped by both the new German Government bond ( " Bund " ) contract and the Short Sterling contract in importance .
17 It had been raised in international conferences in the late 1960s but was first officially presented by a Malaysian diplomat in April 1970 at the preparatory meeting of the non-aligned states in Dar-es-Salaam .
18 Subsequently , however , the Moscow correspondent of the daily La Stampa examined the original of the letter , which had been discovered in the KGB archives , and reported that it had been misquoted in 12 places .
19 Now it had been joined by several cars and a coach was disgorging a gaggle of tourists .
20 Brand told me that they 'd been friendly from way back and when I leaned on him a bit he admitted that they 'd had a thing going but it had been broken off two or three years ago . ’
21 However , when it arrived in Suffolk it had been broken into three pieces , so the star quickly agreed to send a replacement .
22 If engaged in hand-to-hand fighting the unit will break if it fails the test and may be pursued just as if it had been broken in hand-to-hand combat .
23 It had been painted in 1876 and showed an older and more ethereal poet , his head rising , as is common with Watts 's portraits , from a vague dark column of a body into a spiritual light .
24 With debates about feminism and culture it had been seen by many as the key to understanding our current dilemmas .
25 It had been engaged in regular combat with the Red Army , as part of German forces .
26 At the time when these minutes were recorded the island was the property of the Campbells of Calder to whom it had been granted by Royal charter in 1621 for an annual payment of 9000 merks Scots , or about £500 sterling , to the Crown .
27 At the time when these minutes were recorded the island was the property of the Campbells of Calder to whom it had been granted by Royal charter in 1621 for an annual payment of 9000 merks Scots , or about £500 sterling , to the Crown .
28 Among these well-tended plots , with their laden fruit trees , it was out of place and ill at ease ; as though it had been transplanted from another age or a backward planet .
29 Liberal protests notwithstanding , it had been announced in 1870 that the pope , speaking ex cathedra , is gifted with infallibility when defining doctrines to do with faith and morals .
30 In their minds it had been prefaced with romantic dialogue and protestations of love .
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